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Prickly situation for the Teasel !

I am feeling a little discombobulated after a week away up North. Have returned to a rather dishevelled, but colourful garden and have watched with some concern as builders demolished an old porch at the back. The last time I asked a workman to “please watch out for that poppy”, he promptly put his ladder on it so I blew caution to the wind and surrounded the precious teasel with pots and did not utter a word. In my absence the Buddleia, Hydrangea and Hebes have flowered so I am looking forward to getting some photos of  butterflies and insects. The Blackbirds are in the “Doghouse” so to speak as they keep pecking away at the soil around my Bonsai. I initially tried to combat this with glass pebbles but they just move them aside. While I was away I draped over some plastic weighted down with the pebbles to no avail. Ideas please, also can you identify the green insects on the Daisy. The rather dusty Teasel is “Still Standing” but for how long, the house is being painted on Monday, that means ladders and scaffolding noooo....!!
Can you identify the above please....
Teasel and a Bonsai with a Raincoat on!

Pat Adams - Flickr - BLOG