It's yet another beautiful day in Shetland, with temperatures hitting 20degrees!! I've been in the…
Tammie Norie is the Shetland name for our most popular seabird, the puffin. I think I've said before that…
Mention of a swift half usually brings a chorus of assent, but news that swift numbers have dropped almost…
Are our seabirds in crisis? Recent research has highlighted the worrying decline in many familiar seabird…
I was thrilled when, whilst walking a regular mammal survey transect line, rustling in some undergrowth…
Today I was privileged to watch as some of Harapan Rainforest's Bathin Sembilan indigenous community…
It was mostly a day of paperwork yesterday and organising the Shetland Nature Festival events, but I…
The Met Office has been busy predicting the future - up to 2099.
Not the cross my palm with silver, you…