Are our seabirds in crisis? Recent research has highlighted the worrying decline in many familiar seabird populations including kittiwakes and herring gulls. Rising sea temperatures are being blamed for changes in the plankton population which are causing food shortages at critical times. Finding a fat, calorie packed sandeel at the right time, in the right place is becoming harder.

The legislation travelling through Westminster aims to ease some of the problems seabirds face. Safeguarding and protecting the fragile marine environment is crucial if we want our seabird cities to remain.

You can stand up for seabirds and make sure the Marine Bill counts. Help right now by taking part in the latest campaign action. Click on the link to email your MP today.

PS Read more on the latest research and watch our short film on the recent successful lobby of the Westminster Parliament and listen to the thoughts, hopes and wishes of people like you who want to stand up for the marine environment.