What volunteering do you do?

Ohh first post in this forum!

What voluntary things are you involved in? 

Over the last year I've been involved in Bird Friendly Schools, at a local nature reserve and Volunteer & Farmer Alliance.

  • Hello

    I volunteer at Strumpshaw in the Norfolk Broads, first Saturday of every month there is a work party (unfortunatley I can't get along every month) and we undertake a range of tasks usually relating to habitat maintenance such as reed clearing/burning, scrub clearance/burning, fen clearing/burning.  You may have noticed a trend here but we do like our fires, however we have been involved in other activities such as removing ragwort (known as a gentle walk through the meadows to pick wild flowers?)and thistles (we don't burn these) from grazing pasture, clearing rubbish from the River Yare, we've made a new path for the woodland area and have planted a new hedge at Buckenham Marshes.  Being involved in this is a great way of helping the wildlife and you also get the opportunity to visit areas of the reserve not usually open to the public.

    I am also involved in bird atlasing for the BTO and have several tetrads in my local area to complete.

    "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" Mary Poppins

  • I have been registered as a volunteer since 1992. YOC/WEX leader, Short term residential volunteer at around 15 reserves and ABB sites from Lizard to Abernethy. Volunteering at Leighton Moss in a variety of roles including guided walks, bird counts  centre assistant and office work. 

  • Hi,  I started to volunteer about a year ago.  There were no pin badge boxes in my area so I have set up 3 and they do quite well.  (Time to get my xmas robins out!)  I have just had my training for Bird Friendly Schools and have my first teacher visit on Friday which I'm feeling quite nervous about!  Any tips KatTai??  I would like to be able to do more but with two children aged 6 and 3 I don't have a lot of time!

  • Hi All

    I am a volunteer Trail Walker at Rainham Marshes.

    I walk the trail twice a week.



  • I have been involved in the NE Scotland breeding birds Atlas. I am newly retired and would love to volunteer at the Loch Garten Centre but haven't heard anything back from them as yet.

  • Hello, I have been a volunteer at RSPB Dungeness for about two years now, I work in the visitor centre once a week. Its great meeting and talking to the visitors, It helps you to learn so much.

    Regards  Derek


  • Sorry to hear you've not had a reply.  If this is still the case let me know and we'll sort this out.

    Apologies we did not get back to you sooner.

    Alan Murray

    Head of Volunteering for the RSPB

  • I volunteer at a variety of A Date With Nature events, and in the spring/summer do the 'Peregrines on the Clocktower' event  in Cardiff at least once a week. I'm looking to get involved in more voluntary work too.

  • PeregrineRhi said:

    I volunteer at a variety of A Date With Nature events, and in the spring/summer do the 'Peregrines on the Clocktower' event  in Cardiff at least once a week. I'm looking to get involved in more voluntary work too.

    Oh it must be great doing the Peregrines event!


  • Yippee! Member number 42. The late great Douglas Adams would be proud.

    I do my volunteering at Symonds Yat Rock where we have a resident Peregrine pair and awesome views over the Wye Valley.

    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?