What volunteering do you do?

Ohh first post in this forum!

What voluntary things are you involved in? 

Over the last year I've been involved in Bird Friendly Schools, at a local nature reserve and Volunteer & Farmer Alliance.

  • Hello

    I volunteer at Strumpshaw in the Norfolk Broads, first Saturday of every month there is a work party (unfortunatley I can't get along every month) and we undertake a range of tasks usually relating to habitat maintenance such as reed clearing/burning, scrub clearance/burning, fen clearing/burning.  You may have noticed a trend here but we do like our fires, however we have been involved in other activities such as removing ragwort (known as a gentle walk through the meadows to pick wild flowers?)and thistles (we don't burn these) from grazing pasture, clearing rubbish from the River Yare, we've made a new path for the woodland area and have planted a new hedge at Buckenham Marshes.  Being involved in this is a great way of helping the wildlife and you also get the opportunity to visit areas of the reserve not usually open to the public.

    I am also involved in bird atlasing for the BTO and have several tetrads in my local area to complete.

    "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" Mary Poppins

  • Hello

    I volunteer at Strumpshaw in the Norfolk Broads, first Saturday of every month there is a work party (unfortunatley I can't get along every month) and we undertake a range of tasks usually relating to habitat maintenance such as reed clearing/burning, scrub clearance/burning, fen clearing/burning.  You may have noticed a trend here but we do like our fires, however we have been involved in other activities such as removing ragwort (known as a gentle walk through the meadows to pick wild flowers?)and thistles (we don't burn these) from grazing pasture, clearing rubbish from the River Yare, we've made a new path for the woodland area and have planted a new hedge at Buckenham Marshes.  Being involved in this is a great way of helping the wildlife and you also get the opportunity to visit areas of the reserve not usually open to the public.

    I am also involved in bird atlasing for the BTO and have several tetrads in my local area to complete.

    "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" Mary Poppins

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