• Three easy ways to help garden birds this autumn

    Nature in Northern Ireland is in trouble and many once common garden visitors such as house sparrows and starlings are now in decline. The good news there are some simple steps you can take at home to help encourage birds into your garden and give them a helping hand through the colder months
  • Will you help us revive nature in Northern Ireland?

    Today, we’re at a crossroads. Northern Ireland has lost more wildlife than anywhere else in the UK and despite commitments set in 2015, last week a RSPB NI review revealed that the Northern Ireland Executive is failing on over 80% of targets to reverse nature’s decline. 

    But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    We have the power to hold our Government to account and to demand…
  • Why nature means business: How food and farming can deliver a green recovery in Northern Ireland

    How we farm is vital to nature’s recovery, and our own. Recently, RSPB NI hosted a series of webinars in partnership with the Nature Friendly Farming Network to demonstrate how a reformed food and farming system can benefit both people and the planet. For anyone who missed the events, here's what you need to know.
    Guest blog by Phi Carson, RSPB NI Policy Officer (Sustainable Farming).

    1. Sustainable land…
  • A season of success for roseate terns on Blue Circle Island

    Guest blog by RSPB NI Tern Conservation Officer Monika Wojcieszek

    Following my last blog in May, the birds’ breeding season is over at Blue Circle Island on the RSPB Larne Lough Islands reserve in Co Antrim. Fortunately, we were able to make several visits to follow up on the progress of this important seabird colony, which hosts Sandwich terns, common terns, a selection of gulls, oystercatchers, black guillemots and …

  • The Chronicles of Erne - Top 5 moments from the series

    The Chronicles of Erne, starring RSPB Northern Ireland's Lower Lough Erne team and their work to save curlews
  • Why we should all love wasps

    A guest blog by Aimee Coates, Volunteer Media Officer for RSPB Local Groups. 

    We all love bees! From bee-friendly seed packets and jewellery, to cushion covers and crockery, we just can’t get enough of them, but what about their dreaded cousin, the wasp?

    Wasps are often seen as ‘the villains’ of the insect world as they descend on our lovely picnics with a sting in their tail. But our ecosystem relies on wasps and…
  • Why the Northern Ireland Executive must introduce a Climate Change Act without further delay

    Yesterday, the Northern Ireland Assembly discussed a critical motion on a Climate Change Act for Northern Ireland. Even though the Assembly declared a climate emergency in January 2020, Northern Ireland still remains the only region in the UK and Ireland without any specific legislation to tackle the global crisis.

    Clare Baliley, MLA
    Clare Bailey, MLA commenting at the Climate Change Act motion

    RSPB NI welcomed the news that a majority…
  • More than just 'seagulls'

    A guide to the seven species of gull that nest in Northern Ireland. You'll never use the term 'seagull' again after reading this blog.
  • There’s still time to ask your local MP to support a green recovery

    We’re still buzzing from the incredible #TheTimeIsNow lobby, are you?

    On 30 June 2020, over 200 digital meetings were held with MPs across the UK, including eight right here in Northern Ireland! Plus, Chris Packham joined Lucy Siegle for an empowering discussion on why a #GreenRecovery is so important; Radio 1’s Cel Spellman chatted with youth campaigners (including James Miller Naturalist…
  • What is an LCM and why does this matter to nature in Northern Ireland?

    Last week, the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (AERA) Minister, Edwin Poots, asked members of the Assembly to endorse the provisions of the Westminster Environment Bill that apply to Northern Ireland. This proposed motion of endorsement is called a Legislative Consent Motion.

    Stormont. Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)
    Stormont. Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

    But what does this actually mean and why does it matter?

    While the last few months might have…
  • How restoring Northern Ireland's nature-rich habitats will help offset UK carbon emissions.

    RSPB NI Policy Officer Phil Carson looks at the value and power of nature in tackling Northern Ireland's climate and biodiversity crisis ...

    Dungonnell peat dams. Photo credit: Henry McLaughlin, Northern Ireland Water

    Not long ago our news feeds were filled with stories of devastating floods in England, extensive fires in the Amazon rainforest, deep peat fires in Siberia and unprecedented fires engulfing large swathes…

  • United for nature: new poll shows the people of Northern Ireland support calls for a Green Recovery

    On 27th May, RSPB NI, alongside 40 signatories from business, charity and academia, wrote an open letter urging the First Minister and deputy First Minister to put health and wellbeing, climate action and nature protection at the heart of decision-making. Now, a new opinion poll shows that the people of Northern Ireland back calls for a Green Recovery.

    Darkley Forest Park in Co. Armagh. Image credit: Outdoor Recreation Northern Ireland
    Darkley Forest Park in Co. Armagh. Image credit: Outdoor Recreation…
  • Virtual Roonivoolin Ramble

    A guest blog by Ric Else.

    It’s not currently possible to visit Rathlin Island due to the travel restrictions that are in place during the Covid-19 outbreak. So for everyone who is missing Rathlin’s natural wonders, I’ve put together this virtual tour around Roonivoolin, one of the RSPB’s nature reserves on the island. I hope that it gives you a sense of the reserve’s beauty and tranquillity, and that it inspires you to…

  • Record Sunshine Leaves Belfast WOW High and Dry

    The outside spaces at Belfast’s Window on Wildlife reserve re-opened to the public at the end of May, but visitors to the hides that overlook the freshwater lagoon at WOW will have noticed that the usual oasis of calm water stretching out towards Belfast lough – looks a little different.

    With the Met Office reporting that all parts of the UK exceeded spring sunshine records, this coupled with the lack of…
  • Celebrating our volunteers - Volunteers' Week 2020

    Our volunteers help in many ways to save nature from monitoring birds on farmland to helping the visitors to our reserves discover the wonders of wildlife, the opportunities are as diverse as our volunteers themselves. We caught up with some of our amazing volunteers to get the low down on what they do, and why they love doing it …
    Volunteers’ Week takes place between 1 – 7 June each year, and whilst the coronavirus…
  • Race Against Time for Larne Lough's Roseate Terns

    With the anticipated, imminent arrival of roseate terns back to their Larne Lough breeding territory and Northern Ireland still under lockdown it was a race against time to ensure the right habitat was waiting for these site faithful breeders. In a guest blog RSPB NI Tern Conservation Officer Monika Wojcieszek explains how we did it ...

    RSPB staff members in boat travelling to Blue Circle Island.
    RSPB NI Tern Officer Monika travelling to Blue Circle Island with warden Chris Sturgeon…

  • Recover together: why we must invest in nature to secure our long-term recovery

    Is waking up to birdsong giving you boost in the morning? Or maybe you find a daily walk in nature just what you need to clear your head during difficult days?

    Goldfinch - John Bridges (rspb-images.com)
    Gold Finch. Photo credit: John Bridges (rspb-images.com)

    Nature is playing an important role in providing comfort and relief to everyone during lockdown, and this comes as no real surprise considering the well-documented research that examines how access to…
  • Open Letter to the First Minister and deputy First Minister calling for a green recovery

    Over recent weeks, the Northern Ireland Executive have started to implement plans for the country’s Roadmap to Recovery, outlining how to emerge from lockdown and re-start the economy. The decisions made by the Northern Ireland Executive now, will have lasting impacts on our natural environment.

    Belfast Lough RSPB NI reserve by Oliver Bernard
    Belfast Lough RSPB NI reserve. Photo credit: Oliver Bernard

    That’s why RSPB NI, alongside 40 signatories from environmental…
  • World Bee Day - Top tips for BEEginners

    On World Bee Day, RSPB NI staff members Claire and Cathryn tell us why they get a buzz from beekeeping and how you too can help these important pollinators.
  • Bills, Bills, Bills: How Covid-19 is affecting crucial laws to protect nature in Northern Ireland

    Public health and safety; recovering the economy; and lockdown exit strategies have rightly been occupying the government’s focus over the last few months. And for each of us, our focus has shifted too. We are learning to adapt to a new ‘normal’, adjusting work to care for family members, adopting new ways to communicate and trying to find balance for our own wellbeing.

    Bluebells and jay
    Bluebell meadow and a jay.…
  • Endangered Species Day 2020

    Guest blog by Anne-Marie McDevitt

    Today, on Endangered Species Day I want to share with you some of our endangered species in Northern Ireland - how RSPB NI works to help them, and what you can do to help.

    Birds as indicators of the health of our environment

    Although beautiful and fascinating in their own right, as birds occur in virtually every habitat across the world and are at the top of the food chain they’re…

  • How to tell a swallow from a swift (and a house martin)

    Heard a faint screeching overhead or caught sight of small black/brown birds with long tapered wings chattering on telephone wires or zipping across the skyline?

    The difference between a swift, swallow and house martin

    The arrival of swallows, swifts and house martins causes a wave of excitement in the birdwatching community and for many, heralds that summer is on its way. Now that we’re all spending more time at home, you may have started to notice them too.

  • Why it’s important to give hedgehogs a home

    It’s not only birds that RSPB NI is working hard to protect, we want to ensure that all wildlife in Northern Ireland has a home, including one of our ‘pricklier’ inhabitants:  hedgehogs.

    Seldom seen during the day, hedgehogs are one of only three species of mammals that hibernate in the UK, emerging in spring to breed and build up their body fat before lying dormant over winter again.

    In celebration…
  • Belfast's Window on Wildlife: Wildlife Haven in Belfast's Busy Harbour Documentary

    RSPB NI warden Chris Sturgeon features in a new BBC One NI documentary Belfast Harbour: Cruises, Cranes & Cargo about the daily comings and goings in Belfast Harbour. Belfast’s Window on Wildlife nature reserve - or Belfast WOW as it is affectionately known - is a home for more than 100 bird species that travel from all over the world to stay for the winter, nest in spring and raise their young and feast on what…

  • Going for gold(crest)! Why the dawn chorus is such a fantastic phenomenon in Fermanagh – and beyond

    Guest blog by Brad Robson, RSPB NI Site Manager

    The dawn chorus is a spring phenomenon created by the onset of the breeding season for many of our birds, including both our resident, year-round species including robins, wrens, blackbirds and blue tits, and the migrants that breed here but spend the northern winter in warmer climates - including chiffchaffs, blackcaps, spotted flycatchers and cuckoos.

    The chorus is the result…