• RSPB NI: Celebrating a star species on World Curlew Day

    When Katie Gibb took on the role of RSPB NI Antrim Plateau Conservation Officer last year, the native New Zelander was looking forward to her first full year monitoring the progress of curlews in the Antrim Hills from this month onwards.

    However, following government advice in response to Covid-19, the RSPB has ceased all field work and so Katie will not be following the Co Antrim curlews’ progress this season.

  • RSPB NI wildlife enquiry FAQs: Is there a bird’s nest at your house or in your garden? Found a baby bird or injured bird? Got a question about hedge-cutting?

    By Susan Kula, RSPB NI

    The Covid-19 crisis has interrupted much of our infrastructure and our normal ways of life; but despite all the chaos unfolding in the human world due to this awful virus, it is still “business as usual” for birds.
    At RSPB NI, our phone lines are normally a flurry at this time of the year, with all manner of enquiries about bird breeding season. However, as a result of the current…

  • Big thanks to everyone who took action on the Environment Strategy for Northern Ireland

    Sometimes it’s hard to remember life before Covid-19 (coronavirus), even though it’s only been several weeks since all our lives changed unimaginably.

    Now, our work/life is unbalanced, lockdown has altered how we connect with friends and family, and with everyone’s energy rightly focused on staying safe and caring for the most vulnerable in our community, it can be hard to know how to ensure that nature is…

  • Big Garden Birdwatch: Sparrows still perched on top in Northern Ireland, but collared doves fly into the Top 10!

    Guest blog by Anne-Marie McDevitt, RSPB NI Head of Species

    The numbers are in and we can reveal the most-spotted birds across Northern Ireland, as recorded in the Big Garden Birdwatch weekend at the end of January, so thanks again to everyone who took part in this ever-important citizen science project!
    House sparrows continue to rule the roost in Northern Ireland, while sightings of goldfinches and robins were up - and…

  • RSPB NI: Covid-19 Update

    RSPB NI: Coronavirus Update with up to date information relating to reserves in Northern Ireland and coronavirus.
  • Taking our fight to protect and restore nature to the Northern Ireland Assembly

    RSPB NI and a coalition of environmental organisations gave evidence to the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (AERA) in Stormont
  • Northern Ireland needs to plant the right trees in the right places, along with restored peatlands and priority habitats

    Planting trees can be positive for the environment: how can we maximise the benefit for climate and nature with the pledge to plant18m trees in NI?
  • RSPB NI: Focus on the female of the (bird) species for International Women’s Day

    Guest blog by Roisin Kearney, RSPB NI Conservation Officer

    For International Women’s Day, we have decided to highlight some of the females of the bird world who buck the usual trends. Female birds don't typically get as much attention as their male counterparts because, in many bird species anyway, the female tends to have a much drabber colour scheme than the males and they do not tend to draw as much attention to themselves…

  • A host of RSPB NI events to put a spring in your step

    We’ve had Ciara, Dennis, Ellen and friends ‘storming’ our shores in the past month or so, but surely the start of March heralds the start of spring and the end of the stormy winter?!

    Granted, the spring equinox doesn’t take place until Friday 20 March – and the old saying has it that March comes ‘in like a lion and goes out like a lamb’ – but we think we can start planning more outdoorsy days. And if…

  • How nature-based solutions in Northern Ireland and beyond play a critical role in addressing climate change

    Guest blog by Jonathan Bell, RSPB NI Head of Land and Sea Policy

    The recent publication of the UK Committee on Climate Change report on land use change and climate change is very timely given the recent resumption of the Northern Ireland Assembly and its promise to step up efforts to tackling climate change.

    The draft ‘New Decade New Approach’ deal states: “The Executive will introduce legislation and targets for reducing…

  • Infrequent flyers: Learn about the more unusual birds to be spotted during Big Garden Birdwatch

    Guest blog by RSPB NI Head of Species Anne-Marie McDevitt

    While house sparrows were perched in top spot in the Big Garden Birdwatch in Northern Ireland in 2019, here we take a look at other less usual visitors that you might be lucky enough to see in your garden during the Birdwatch at the end of January – among them redpolls, goldcrests, siskins, bramblings, fieldfares, redwings, waxwings and sparrowhawks.

    So what…

  • Northern exposure: So many wonderful winter spectacles to savour across Northern Ireland

    With flocks of godwits and wintering wildfowl at Belfast WOW, fulmars returning to the cliff stacks on Rathlin, yellowhammers feeding on wild bird cover and red kites roosting in Co Down, there are plenty of winter spectacles to marvel at across Northern Ireland at this time of year.

    Up on Rathlin Island, the last few grey seal pups are graduating from the island’s rocky beaches and winter is beginning to take its grip…

  • A Kiwi’s season in the Antrim Hills, in the company of curlews

    Guest blog by Katie Gibb, RSPB NI’s Conservation Officer for the Antrim Plateau

    I have always considered myself a waterfowl biologist. Duck was my first word (it is, of course, a family joke that my parents misheard me!)
    My obsession for them guided me towards a career in ornithology. My master’s thesis was centred around them, and at two different universities I have managed to get the title of ‘resident duck nut…

  • Can you help us clean up an important site for birds outside Belfast?

    RSPB and consumer product company SC Johnson have teamed up to take action on the serious issue of marine plastics. Through a programme of community clean-ups across the UK, we are planning to conduct a series of volunteer days during 2019 and 2020.

    RSPB NI, with the support of the local community group - Friends of Whitehouse Lagoon - is organising the first of the Northern Ireland events at the Whitehouse Lagoon Newtownabbey…

  • Geese lightning: Tracing the journey of the brent geese flocking to Strangford Lough and Lough Foyle

    Guest blog by Matthew Tickner, RSPB Northern Ireland ecologist

    One of the sounds that enlivens autumn in Northern Ireland is the noisy communing of brent geese on the coasts. Their calls, playing out around our sea loughs at present, are unlike those of other geese, but are rather difficult to describe: perhaps guttural, perhaps braying or ‘cronking’, possibly trembling, or sometimes described as sounding like a mob of…

  • It’s time to demand urgent action for nature in Northern Ireland

    Guest blog by Emily Hunter, RSPB NI Nature Protection Policy Officer

    The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched a consultation on an Environment Strategy for Northern Ireland – this will be Northern Ireland’s first long-term strategy to help protect the environment and restore nature.

    With our environment in crisis, it’s clearly needed. The UN has warned that we…

  • A symphony of birdsong - why autumn is Fermanagh's standout season

    Guest blog by Brad Robson, RSPB NI Site Manager (West)

    Autumn is my favourite time of the year. If there was any heat in the summer, it has now gone. As the greens fade to warm orange, light yellows and rustic brown, the cooler air carries the sounds of nature across the lough.

    This is the time for birds to be on the wing travelling across the expanse of land and sea to winter destinations, mild climates and abundant…

  • Habitat works at Portmore Lough working a treat for wetland species

    Guest blog by Laura Smith, Portmore Lough Warden

    Anyone who has popped along to our Portmore Lough reserve will have noticed a few positive changes since last year.

    Last autumn, we carried out work to expand and enhance our open water and wet grassland habitats at the reserve. We wanted to create more breeding and foraging habitat for our key wetland bird species, as well as to improve the viewing experience for our visitors…

  • Bats entertainment - join us for a bat walk!

    Guest blog by Hilda Doherty, Visitor Experience Officer at Belfast's Window on Wildlife

    At the RSPB we’re mostly known for our work with birds, but we often host bat walks too and are helped out on many occasions by our friends in the NI Bat Group.
    It’s easy to see why people are fascinated by bats. Their unique wing structure along with their light weight enables them to go to places that other land-based mammals…

  • Toasting a breeding success story for corncrakes off NI's north coast

    Guest blog by RSPB Rathlin Island Warden Liam McFaul

    Rathlin is Northern Ireland’s only inhabited offshore island and while the population of us living there is quite small, the number of corncrakes is worryingly low – with just one male bird heard calling over the last few years.
    So it’s fantastic now for us to be able to confirm that there are two pairs of corncrakes on the island.
    A male has been heard…

  • Celebrate summer by exploring RSPB NI reserves

    For many of us, June signals the start of the summer.
    You may have plans made and holidays booked, but hopefully you'll have time to visit our reserves over the summer months.
    A great way to take in our reserves is to sign up for one of our events. On Saturday past we hosted a Summer Walk at our Belfast Window on Wildlife (WOW) reserve, and the next WOW event takes place on Saturday 6 July, when we’re hosting our Terrific…

  • Why our magnificent marsh fritillary butterflies are one of Northern Ireland’s key species

    Guest blog by Katy Bell, RSPB NI'S Pettigoe Project Officer (CABB)

    The marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) is one of three fritillary species we get in Northern Ireland. It is much smaller than the other fritillaries, the dark-green and silver-washed, and is much less common. This species has declined rapidly across Europe and is classed as vulnerable. It is a Northern Ireland Priority Species and is protected under…

  • The ‘Hills’ are alive: Why the call of the curlew is so captivating and crucial to protect

    Guest blog by Neal Warnock, RSPB NI Conservation Advisor

    This Sunday is World Curlew Day. For many of us, the thrilling bubbling call of this wonderful wader is something we never hear at all; or it’s something that our parents’ generation might speak about hearing in years gone by.
    In Northern Ireland, we’ve lost more than 80% of the population since 1987, with Fermanagh and the Antrim Hills the last remaining…

  • Let Nature Sing: Listen to the seabird symphony at our Rathlin West Light Seabird Centre

    Guest blog by Hazel Watson and Ric Else, RSPB NI visitor experience staff at the Rathlin West Light Seabird Centre

    You might expect Rathlin Island to be a peaceful and quiet place, but out at the western end of the island - where thousands upon thousands of seabirds crowd on to the cliffs - it is anything but!
    You’ll find the approach to the cliffs is generally quite serene, with meadow pipits peeping as they flit past…

  • Sparrows still soaring in NI as coal tits fly into the Big Garden Birdwatch 2019 top 10

    Guest blog by Claire Barnett, RSPB NI Conservation Team Leader

    So the results are in and we can now say that house sparrows are still perched at number one as the most-spotted birds in Big Garden Birdwatch 2019 - both in Northern Ireland and across the UK.

    Thanks to you, we had more than 7.5 million birds (including 1.2 million house sparrows) counted throughout the weekend at the end of January, with almost half a million…