• How will the Climate Change Bill become law in Northern Ireland?

    Guest blog by Rosie Murdock, RSPB NI Communications Officer

    Time to make history. Ask your MLAs to vote in favour of the Climate Change Bill

    Do you feel that the scale of the climate emergency is overwhelming? Are you worried that it’s too late to turn it around? Well, we have good news for you; there are solutions, and right now work is being undertaken to create a sustainable future for everyone.

    One of the most important solutions is to ensure that we have our own climate laws in Northern…

  • Searching the skies for majestic red kites

    RSPB NI is asking members of the public to report any sightings of majestic red kites as we enter the 2021 breeding season.

    If you are out walking in and around Castlewellan, Katesbridge, Moneyslane, Ballyward in County Down or spending time in the Mournes as stay local restrictions ease, let us know if you spot any red kites. County Down remains the hot-spot for these striking birds of prey, but they have been seen all…

  • A massive thank you to everyone who called for a Green Recovery Fund for Northern Ireland.

    This is just a small update filled with a BIG thank you from RSPB NI to everyone who took part in our campaign calling for a Green Recovery Fund to Revive Our World. Nearly 1,200 of you sent an email to the Northern Ireland Finance Minister asking for vital funding to restore nature. This is the biggest response we’ve had to a government targeted campaign in Northern Ireland for years!

    Starling. Ben Andrew (rspb-images.com)

    Starling by Ben Andrew (rspb…

  • What to do if you find a baby bird and other FAQs

    In this handy blog, we’ve shared a collection of commonly asked questions RSPB NI receives during breeding season. Read on for advice on what to do and how to help our feathered friends and fledgling families
  • International Women’s Day: Three women who choose to challenge for nature

    Guest blog by Roisin Kearney, RSPB NI Conservation Officer

    Today is International Women’s Day (IWD), which aims to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. We feel this especially keenly within the RSPB, which was originally founded by inspirational women in the late 19th century.
    These women fought bravely for what they believed in, namely the protection of our wonderful birds…

  • “Why I campaign to save nature” - activist and student, Dakota Reid, shares why change starts with people taking action

    How campaigning can save nature – featuring an interview with Dakota Reid, Queen’s University student and environmental activist.

    Young campaigners protesting against climate change

    Youth Strike for Climate March 2019

    Northern Ireland has lost more nature than any other part of the UK. We’re also the only country in the UK whose government hasn’t committed vital Green Recovery funding to turn this around. This might feel like an impossible obstacle…

  • On the trail of the godwits in Northern Ireland

    Discover how black-tailed godwits swap Iceland for Irish coastlines, learn how to ID them and find out where and when they can be spotted in Northern Ireland.
  • Don’t go back to normal – it only takes 2 minutes to help revive our world

    When you think of life after the pandemic, how does it look? Do you want to see more birds and bees in our towns and countryside? How about greener energy powering our cars and homes? Or the Government committing to legal targets to halt the warming our of planet?

    You don’t need to imagine this future - a green recovery can help make it happen.

    Northern Ireland needs a Green Recovery Fund

    A green recovery is Northern Ireland’s chance to rebuild our…

  • What we learnt from our Food, Farming and Land Convention

    Guest blog by Phil Carson, RSPB NI Policy Officer Sustainable Farming

    Imagine a thriving countryside that’s rich in nature, supports rural livelihoods and helps communities adapt to climate change. Think of a future where nature is cherished for the vital role it plays in supporting our prosperity. This is the vision painted by farmers, producers, policymakers and conservationists at our two-day Food, Farming and…

  • Show your love for nature in Northern Ireland

    To mark Valentine’s Day, we would LOVE you to connect with nature. Here are five ways for you to play your part and help us give nature a home and protect our precious species and habitats:

    1. Take action and help to Revive our World

    A green recovery from Covid-19 is our chance to revive our world and build a better, greener and fairer future for Northern Ireland. If you love nature, this is an opportunity we can…

  • Can you help us secure targets in law by taking part in a new consultation for nature?

    RSPB NI is encouraging everyone to speak up for nature by giving their views on a new Environment and Nature Restoration Bill

    Snipe. Photo credit Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

    Snipe. Photo credit Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

    Guest blog by Jane Clarke, RSPB NI Nature Protection Policy Officer

    In September 2020, over 1,000 of you joined 79,000 members and supporters across the UK in petitioning the government to #ReviveOurWorld. The Northern Ireland Assembly heard your…

  • Counting birds by boat – a different type of ‘Birdwatch’ in Fermanagh

    Guest blog by Amy Burns, RSPB NI Estate Manager, Lower Lough Erne

    I work on the RSPB’s most westerly reserve - Lower Lough Erne Islands in Fermanagh - comprising 46 islands dotted across the second largest freshwater lake in the UK. We manage the site for the benefit of a wide range of species, including curlews, Sandwich terns and red squirrels.
    I love taking part in the Big Garden Birdwatch at home every January…

  • Looking back at 2020: celebrating our campaigning success stories during a year that changed everything

    Set against the backdrop of a devastating global pandemic, 2020 has brought more unprecedented challenges than any other. It has changed the way we live and work, how we connect with friends and family, and forced us to re-evaluate our relationship with nature.

    Roseate tern by Tim Melling (rspb-images.com)

    Roseate tern by Tim Melling (rspb-images.com)

    This year has taken an incredible toll on everyone's lives and we understand it might seem hard to look back…

  • Green Glossary: learn more about the nature and climate crises

    Guest blog by Rosie Murdock, RSPB NI Communications Officer Curious or confused about green terminology? Unpick the climate and nature crises with our handy Green Glossary. We will help you know your COP26 from your carbon sink and your net zero fro...
  • A Christmas feast for our garden birds

    Christmas may look quite different for many of us this year, but your garden birds will be just as hungry as ever! In the winter there are less natural food sources available in the countryside, so any food you put out in your garden or balcony will be very gratefully received.

    Phil Carson, RSPB NI Policy Officer, gives a flavour of how you can keep the birds well fed in winter. 

    “The weather is getting a lot colder and…

  • Mapping a better future: new tool reveals the power of peat in delivering a green recovery

    The UK’s peatlands are in such poor condition that they are releasing more carbon than the annual emissions of all HGVs on UK roads! But a new mapping tool is proving that if these crucial habitats are restored and well-managed, they will be key to helping Northern Ireland deliver a green recovery.

    Dungonnell Peat Dams by Henry McLaughlin Northern Ireland Water

    Dungonnell Peat Dams by Henry McLaughlin Northern Ireland Water

    The Garron Plateau peatland in County Antrim is…
  • Five things we learned from the experts at our ‘Towards a Green Recovery’ webinar

    We have a huge opportunity to change the future of Northern Ireland for the better. We can have a thriving countryside full of wildlife; a scheme that enables people to transition into green jobs; sustainable energy and transport; energy-efficient insulation in our homes; and more access to nature-rich green spaces to improve our health and wellbeing. A Green Recovery, if we get it right, will benefit us all.

    Towards a Green Recovery webinar panel
  • Giving back to nature: Goldsmith and the goldfinches!

    Guest blog by Terry Goldsmith, RSPB NI Senior Fundraising Officer

    I joined RSPB NI in July 2014 having had a 34-year career in banking. It may have seemed like quite a leap from there to the fundraising team based at Belvoir Park Forest in Belfast, but it was, in fact, a much more gradual, and perhaps even a pre-determined process.
    I spent the first 10 years of my life growing up in an area of terraced housing with no green…

  • The need for reform: how farming can restore nature in Northern Ireland

    A guest blog by Phil Carson, RSPB NI Policy Officer (Sustainable Farming).

    On Wednesday, the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs announced plans for a future agricultural policy framework for Northern Ireland which aims to be environmentally sustainable, productive and resilient. This represents the biggest shake-up of farming and land use in 40 years.
    These high-level ambitions are welcome, but there…
  • Going green: how Northern Ireland can build a more prosperous, resilient and nature-rich future

    The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the Northern Ireland Executive to make tough decisions and take decisive actions for the health and wellbeing of our society. But it is also presenting the Executive with an unmissable opportunity to rebuild our economy and to secure a healthier, more sustainable and greener future for us all. This is what economic experts are calling a Green Recovery.

    Scrub clearance and pond clearance at Harbour Meadows, Belfast. Photo credit: Chris Thompson
    Scrub clearance and pond clearance…
  • Uplands report: Things are looking up on the Garron Plateau

    By Gareth Bareham, RSPB NI CABB Project Manager (Garron Plateau)

    In spite of the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 this year, we have been actively continuing our partnership work on Northern Ireland’s largest expanse of blanket bog, up on the wild and spectacular Garron Plateau in County Antrim.

    This area hosts some of our rarest plants – including the beautiful and rare marsh saxifrage (below) – and a well-managed…

  • Eerie autumn activities to entertain your little monsters

    If you are looking for some spooky activities to keep your little monsters occupied over this extra-long Halloween half-term – then look no further, as we have five eerie autumn activities to help keep the whole family entertained...
  • Brexit countdown – time is ticking to secure the vital laws to protect nature in Northern Ireland after the transition period

    January 1 2021 will mark the first time in 48 years that the UK is no longer bound by European Union laws, the single market and the customs union*. With the countdown clock ticking until the end of the Brexit transition period; what is happening to the vital laws that are needed to protect nature?

    Grey heron, black-headed gulls and black tailed godwits. Photo credit: Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)
    Grey heron, black-headed gulls and black tailed godwits. Photo credit: Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)

    With Northern…
  • The Prime Minister's 30/30 pledge - why promises to save nature in Northern Ireland must be backed up action

    A guest blog by Joanne Sherwood, Director RSPB NI.

    The Prime Minister’s ambitious announcement to protect 30% of UK land by 2030 will require a significant shift in approach by the NI Executive if we want to restore the abundance and diversity of our local wildlife.

    Lapwing. Photo credit Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)
    Lapwing. Photo credit Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com) 

    The Prime Minister promised to work with the devolved countries of the UK to meet this…
  • Belfast WOW reopening - everything you need to know before you visit

    **UPDATE** In line with current Covid-19 restrictions, all indoor and outdoor facilities at Belfast’s Window on Wildlife are currently closed. Our work across Northern Ireland is only possible thanks the generosity of our members and support...