Poetry Corner

Two of my poems with the blackbird in - as they are highlighted in poll for favourite songster and are in the lead at present.



 Old Manor Gardens – Bexhill


Within the walled garden; Manor Barn stands

Square leaded windows, a testament to its past

Ordered rose beds sit amidst the close cut lawn,

Awaiting bloom, they appear severe and stark.

In neatly cropped borders of symmetrical design,

The rich black earth casts a shadow upon itself.

At the foot of the far wall, in rank and file

Flowers grow in graduated height of colour.

High upon a tree, outside of its boundaries

A blackbird praises the lengthening evening.

Whilst the walled garden remains hushed,

In quiet contemplation of its memories.


As dawn creeps in


The mist lies low across the plain

Horse’s breath is dancing

As dog fox slinks along the lane

The mist lies low across the plain

Blackbird sings the dawn refrain

Winter sun is glancing

The mist lies low across the plain

Horse’s breath is dancing.


Poetry helped me emerge from my Chrysalis - but my wings are still drying - so much more to learn.
www.janscreativewriting.co.uk  updated - with endangered animals category & new animal/birds illustrated poetry book!

  • Two lovely ones Calico - Did you write them?  or are they from a known writer?  I only just found that you had put them on - I've not visited this thread for a while. (& I just love the Blackbird's song)

  • Oh thank you Lindybird! Yes they are mine and I am honoured  you say a known writer! I write for pleasure and to share my work. So glad you liked them! I only just discovered this site has a poetry corner! So keep an eye out when you do visit - I shall be posting other occasional poems about our wonderful natural world and our feathered friends! The blackbirds song is so distinctive - I can visualise it when I write

    Poetry helped me emerge from my Chrysalis - but my wings are still drying - so much more to learn.
    www.janscreativewriting.co.uk  updated - with endangered animals category & new animal/birds illustrated poetry book!