This is a poem published in the Daily Mail Poetry section - as its been there, I don't think there is a problem with copyright. Its by a lady who writes most beautifully about everything and everywhere. I thought some of you might enjoy it.
I'm in the market for a wonder,I'd really like to find one very soon.A miracle, a marvel or a gloryPresenting as a blessing and a boon.I've heard it said that anyone may have oneRegardless of their colour, creed or clan,Rich or church-mouse poor, it makes no matter,Winner, runner-up and also-ran.
So here I am then, vigilant and waiting,Hoping that my turn is very near,Terrified to blink in case I miss it,(Will it come with bells so I can hear?)But suddenly, I have a revelationAnd yes, a little tidal wave of glee.I seem to come to perfect understandingAnd realise... oh, silly, dim old me....That splendours are around and all about us,Too numerous to count or to record,And as they're all made freshly every morningThey needn't be collected up or stored.For the wonder.... It is all in the beholdingOf the acorn, then the shoot and then the tree.Perception can take time, and be quite costlyBut miracles.....ah, miracles come free.
Tricia Sturgeon, Mundesley, Norfolk.