I guess due to the harsh winter we are both seeing the best and worst of bird behavior. You become accustomed to witnessing birds like the Robin being territorial and shooing off all who dare trespass. Now though due to survival being the name of the game others get bolder. A female Blackbird is ruling the roost in my garden and at the first sign of anything settling to feed she appears from nowhere. Is it Superman ?, Is it a plane ?, no it is she who must be obeyed. At the same time big birds like Wood Pigeons and Collared Doves can be so gentle and don't have a problem in sharing. But woe betide any of them if the Starlings put in a appearance, natures answer to the Dyson cleaner.
“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
Yes thats Reiver the lesser spotted Border Terrier or as I call him , my Border terrorist
Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice
Yes thats Reiver the lesser spotted Border Terrier or as i call him, My border terrorist
Unknown said: Oh! Sparrow, did you have ask ?. I showed no mercy as I waited till they left their nice cosy abode amid the loft insulation, hastily climbed a ladder (not easy at my age) and attached new anti Starling Mk II Super keep out ultimate deterrent grills. But now I sit looking out the window at the icy conditions, wracked with guilt and eternal torment. How could I be so cruel, heartless and uncaring. I need psychiatric help to help teach me the error of my ways. Anybody know if you can make kebabs out of frozen Starlings as they drop off the high tension power lines overhead ?.
Oh! Sparrow, did you have ask ?. I showed no mercy as I waited till they left their nice cosy abode amid the loft insulation, hastily climbed a ladder (not easy at my age) and attached new anti Starling Mk II Super keep out ultimate deterrent grills. But now I sit looking out the window at the icy conditions, wracked with guilt and eternal torment. How could I be so cruel, heartless and uncaring. I need psychiatric help to help teach me the error of my ways. Anybody know if you can make kebabs out of frozen Starlings as they drop off the high tension power lines overhead ?.
Very nice with garlic mushrooms and phili dip lol