Oversized Robin!

Is it possible I have seen an American Robin in my garden in central Exeter?  I saw an over sized Robin a month ago and everyone laughed at me when I told them.  But yesterday, my partner also reported seeing a larger than usual Robin and when it flew off it had white under the tail feathers.  Or could it be something else?  I’ve looked at all the other possibilities but it looks more like an American Robin than any of the others.  I am hoping to see it again so I can have a better look at it.

  • Hi Alex, highly unlikely to be an American Robin, but never say never with the way the weather has been... Have you looked at Black Redstart images? There have been several posts over the years about possible American Robin sightings, with the community suggesting everything from Redwings, to Bullfinches and Redstarts, but none have been confirmed as American Robins. (You can search in the bar at the top for other threads, in case there are any pics posted). The general concensus seems to be, it can't be confirmed from a a written description alone.... but that doesn't mean its not!

  • Thank you very much for your advice.  I thought it was unlikely too but it seemed to fit.

    I did look at the suggestions when trying to work out what I had seen landing on the gutter of the shed before it flew off.  Hopefully, I will see it again and will report back - and if lucky, take a photo.  Many thanks. Alex