I've got four bird boxes (two with cameras) and as yet, we've had no takers this year. One of the boxes has had a couple of blue tits visit most days since February, and putting in a bit of nesting material in April, but have since stopped. An occasional bird visits the box without doing anything further.
This happened a couple of years ago when, like this year, we've had a miserably damp spring.
Anyone had any better luck?
Great Tits are doing well, hopefully Flash (she has a pure white feather on her left wing) has hatched 8/8 eggs, there is an un-hatched egg or another chick somewhere under there.
Eleven Blue Tit eggs in 'The Apples' yet to hatch ... we've also a sitting Blue Tit in a Bird Box in an Oak Tree ... I've no idea as to how many eggs/chicks she's looking after.