R.I.P. Good Eggs with no name badges


I see that the moderators now have new name badges on their posts, but none of the Good Eggs do. Are Good Egg name badges still happening?

Best wishes Chris

Click Here to see my photos

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 04/07/2011 17:32 in reply to seymouraves

    Hi Seymour

    Well said. {thumbs up}

    I know I am not overly fussed who knows i have a Good Egg Award, and I will not post it as my aviator as it does not matter to that extent.- I have thought the same way since the upgrade on this Forum.

    I will simply keep it forever and forever now as a special thing close to my own heart.

    As Dave has said to me over and over again, this is a Fourm to talk about birds and wildlife, and all associated issues that we all care about - let it be as for that reason alone.

    Let this Forum remain this way as it should be, and for the moderators to keep the smooth running of the RSPB Forum in check as they do now.

    Just my final two pence worth on this thread as I feel I am going around in circles now with this issue.of GEA's


    Kathy and Dave

    seymouraves said:


    this is going to be controversial :)

    On this forum I stick to ID because that's what I do in the real world.

    I don't comment on stuff I know zilch about- butterflies, batrachians, footballers wives etc.

    I also know about running good forums and training Mods  ( mine have take an on line test before I let them loose , and for many of them English is a second language) , staying in touch with fellow forums and freezing out known troublemakers is a small part of that task.

    Read into that what you will:)

    There is a way to indicate your GE status if you really want to guys.

    Take a photo of your badge on a neutral distinctive background and put it in your Avatar :))




  • Hi Seymour

    You mean like this?

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Guys,

    You could always put "Good Egg Award winner" and the month in question in with your signature.

    The only reason I can think of there being no good egg banners but there are bloggers and moderators accounts is that they have other privaleges and special staff logins to be able to upload blogs, add stickys and remove / moderate members, threads and posts.

    There must be a different method and account tor staff to be able to perform these functions, part of this software must be to make people aware of who the staff members are.

    Maybe at the time of the discussions the moderators thought that it was possible to put Good Egg banners on certain peoples profile posts and not others, then when they found out that all of us non staff logins are the same it would mean that we would all have a good egg banner so they decided against it.

    This is just my theory,


  • Ann S said:

    Don't really think that I would want to be remembered for 1 post...

    Osprey,  As the only one on this forum who is in that position I totally agree with you.  It isn't funny.

  • Bob,

    I really don't believe any of this is aimed towards you're Good Egg award, You won the award fair and square, you are a valued member of the community and do get involved in all mannor of topics. Wear your badge with pride (I would) the same people voted for you as they did Woodpecker a month or so ago.

    The community isn't welcoming the change of policy in line with the previous good egg award and I think that they feel that they are being guided into posting subjects by the mods. as well as not being recognised as good eggs.

    I just hope that the previous good eggs continue to be vaulued members as it will be a cold place without them - yourself included :-)


  • Hi Bob,

    I agree with H. and I'm sure everyone else does too.

    None of this is aimed at you or your award. Please don't feel embarrassed and wear your badge with pride as the rest of us Good Eggs do.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Well folks, I have been following this thread over the weekend and in my opinion it is now time to let it drop.  I initially had a grumble about yet another change but after reading all the comments on this thread I have reconsidered.

    I received one of these awards a long time ago and was surprised and delighted to do so but I have to admit that I think the award system, though a nice idea, was unnecessary.  

    Now it has been scrapped along with name badges (for reasons that I can have a good guess at!) and that's fine.  So be it.  It doesn't bother me a jot and shouldn't bother the rest of my fellow GEs either.  We have the badge and certificate at home if we want to look at them and we really don't need to share them with the whole world as it isn't very important in the grand scheme of things.

    I still feel that the new system needs a different name and that's something that I hope the Mods will reconsider especially in the light of all the discussion that the announcement has provoked but please let's get back to discussing birds and wildlife and close this thread once and for all.

    Yours in hope!


    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • Unknown said:
    You could always put "Good Egg Award winner" and the month in question in with your signature.

    I believe that if it was physically impossible to let Good Egg award winners have name badges, then they would have had the good grace to tell us. Since no specific reason has been forthcoming we all just have to speculate and draw our own conclusions as to what the real reason is.

    Just maybe if all of the original Good Eggs plus the latest Good Egg Post winner did what you suggest then it might cause a rethink, but I don't think they will.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi All,

    We feel now we may be getting further away from fostering a positive and friendly environment with this thread. Obviously, as the RSPB we are going to want to discuss topics relevant to our conservation priorities and encourage users to do the same. After all, the community has always and will always be a positive place to talk about wildlife and nature.

    With the changes to the Good Egg, we are hoping highlight peoples positive contribution to the community. There are many ways people can win

    Things we will be looking out for:

    • Writing something that makes everyone smile

    • Answering others questions

    • Generating conversations about conservation

    • Sharing tips on helping wildlife

    Remember you do not have to meet all these things to get the Good Egg post award, just continue posting positive and friendly advice, which we know you are all capable of. I hope this addresses your concerns and reassures you.

    Thanks again,

    RSPB Mods

    Why not check out the news from the wildlife enquiries team?

  • Thomas W said:
    We feel now we may be getting further away from fostering a positive and friendly environment with this thread.

    Hi Tom,

    Could the reason for this be that the majority of folk on here do not desire a Good Egg badge for one post? Many have stated that they simply enjoy making a contribution to the Forum and are not looking for reward.

    Further, to instruct members how to post is exceedingly poor PR. Most people who are members of the RSPB or the Forum or both do care about the ethos of the Society and will post accordingly without guidance from above.



    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake