R.I.P. Good Eggs with no name badges


I see that the moderators now have new name badges on their posts, but none of the Good Eggs do. Are Good Egg name badges still happening?

Best wishes Chris

Click Here to see my photos

  • Thank you Tiger.

    bye for now

  • Ok I really wasn't going to join in this time but I do so agree with all the common sense opinions voiced.

    Just want to add that our community here is FULL of such 'good eggs'. Lovely, friendly, caring, helpful people abound or I wouldn't be here myself, I would be long gone. All interested in wildlife in some form or another, all caring about its future. It is a joy to read posts and join in whenever I can.

    Why the burning need to single out one person or one post? The reasoning behind this scheme escapes me.

    If we were given an 'opt out' button, I would press it right now.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/07/2011 19:24 in reply to Tulip

    Unknown said:

    Thank you Tiger.

    Thank you Sarah

    Well worded indeed.  There are many people who are kind and helpful on here.   I have been on the RSPB Forums since 2007, and enjoyed all aspects of it - especially the upgrade to what it is now..

    I feel no matter if we are the original Good Egg,  or the planned newbie ones, we all have our place here.  Lets work towards that goal now and go forward in life....there is so much on offer here so take it as it is what is on offer.

    I know I will always remain proud of my Good Egg Award no matter what happens here.

    That is the way I view it now, another success in life...so onwards and upwards as they say.


    Kathy and Dave


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/07/2011 19:25 in reply to Tulip

    duplicate of above

  • Hazel b said:
    It seems very strange that the whole basis of a competition was changed without anyone saying so.  There was no award given for May 2010 and not a hint of explanation why.

    This seems to be the way the forum is now being run. We are now told this is how it's going to be with no explanations and no reasons. It's just become dictatorial.

    Your idea of an opt-in or an opt-out is very sound. If there is absolutely no logical reason why members who have won Good Egg awards can't have name badges/icons next to their name other than the fact that the moderators have just decided that we're not having them, then I will consider opting-out of future awards with my posts.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Woodpecker   I know exactly what you are saying. The thing about May 2011 there was a need to help people as never before. Some people took a week to get back into the forum. Lots of us spent time trying to learn the new system and help others come to terms with it.

    Yet here we are told that unbeknown to us everything had changed and we should really be trying to write cool posts now.

    Remarkably the idea of awarding a good egg for one post is exactly what I objected to back on 17th April 4.57pm

  • Unknown said:

    i've looked at the MODS, BLOGGERS graphics and they are the same other than the obviously the text. i'm wondering if the staff are worried if they cannot alter the graphics for the good eggs they would have to use the same as they are using and that would cause confusion for new members as it would look like your officially part of the staff...i could be wrong

    I also looked, and downloaded one to investigate further. The Mods and Bloggers badges are simple images. There is no earthly reason why a Good Egg badge can't be added, and indeed Graham Bird told us only last week that he was looking into it. Then a couple of days later we are told they aren't going to implement it, no reason given. So we know it can be done - but isn't going to be.

    Whatever one's thoughts on the Good Egg schemes, one can't dispute that this is pretty shabby behaviour towards the existing Good Eggs on the part of the Mods.


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Not just the existing good eggs who the majority off I genuinely look too on the forum. But for those that might have had the opportunity to be a GE in the future. Don't really think that I would want to be remembered for 1 post but for the fact that other members of the forum believed I had been kind + helpful.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Susan H said:

    I also looked, and downloaded one to investigate further. The Mods and Bloggers badges are simple images. There is no earthly reason why a Good Egg badge can't be added, and indeed Graham Bird told us only last week that he was looking into it. Then a couple of days later we are told they aren't going to implement it, no reason given. So we know it can be done - but isn't going to be.

    Whatever one's thoughts on the Good Egg schemes, one can't dispute that this is pretty shabby behaviour towards the existing Good Eggs on the part of the Mods.

    Sparrow you are spot on as usual.

    I also looked back at previous posts about GE badges and came up with what Trochilus said about 'keeping your badge regardless', 'not blending in with the crowd', and 'the GE award showing up more on the forum pages, and 'hopefully having a greater prestige' in the GE award update thread Here. There was no suggestion then that the GE award for the 'outstanding positive contribution' would be given to one post rather than a person making some sort of positive contribution over a period of time.

    How can the GE award offer any prestige at all if there are no name badges to show who has won it?

    I'm trying my best to assume that they physically can't show GE name badges rather than wondering if they have just decided that they aren't going to, but since they never explain anything any more it leaves everyone wondering, and feeling let down.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi-

    this is going to be controversial :)

    On this forum I stick to ID because that's what I do in the real world.

    I don't comment on stuff I know zilch about- butterflies, batrachians, footballers wives etc.

    I also know about running good forums and training Mods  ( mine have take an on line test before I let them loose , and for many of them English is a second language) , staying in touch with fellow forums and freezing out known troublemakers is a small part of that task.

    Read into that what you will:)

    There is a way to indicate your GE status if you really want to guys.

    Take a photo of your badge on a neutral distinctive background and put it in your Avatar :))



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