Good Manners on the Forums

I have been a member of the Community for some time, although I have left and returned on occasion. For the most part, the contributions have been helpful, interesting and informative for me as a learner.

Sometimes, however, I am disturbed by comments which are either transparently or obliquely offensive and it did take some courage to post a first blog. What worries me most is that, on rare occasions, insults are compounded by a few.

If I had made some of the comments I have recently read to  a colleague at work, I think disciplinary measures would have been taken.

This is a call for politeness and respect - regardless of the posters level of knowledge or experience.






"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Hi moderators this is not a criticism just a observation and I think you have a extremely difficult job and think you have stated we are all learning as we go along,this is obviously only my opinion but think that the e-mail from the moderators when removing a post is perhaps more annoying than having the comment removed and maybe you would consider just editing or removing offensive comments without sending e-mails.

    The last thing we want from using such a useful forum is for members to be upset and cancel their subscription.

    Just really food for thought and other members may see thing entirely differently.

  • I'm afraid I must disagree with you, Sooty.

    The moderators were heavily criticised not so long ago for not moderating carefully enough and not dealing with bullying, manic posting, rudeness and so forth. Now they are moderating carefully and deleting/editing where they deem it necessary, but there is no point in them doing this unless the poster is told why their post has been edited or deleted, and if the post in question demands it, then a warning is necessary. This gives the poster a chance to put matters right. There will always be occasions of over enthusiastic moderating, and in such cases the poster has the option of replying to the email in their own defence.

    As for bad manners on the forum, we all have the facility to report any posts we deem rude or offensive by clicking the red report abuse button immediately we see it.  This is there for a reason - and should be used in preference to public comments that further inflame the situation.

    My opinion .....  xxx

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow

    I agree with your post.

    As a general rule I prefer to avoid posting on 'controversial' type threads, although sometimes they can become controversial at a later stage, and like Seymour I avoid posting divisive threads as this isn't that type of forum..

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • michael s said:

    Hi moderators this is not a criticism just a observation and I think you have a extremely difficult job and think you have stated we are all learning as we go along,this is obviously only my opinion but think that the e-mail from the moderators when removing a post is perhaps more annoying than having the comment removed and maybe you would consider just editing or removing offensive comments without sending e-mails.

    The last thing we want from using such a useful forum is for members to be upset and cancel their subscription.

    Just really food for thought and other members may see thing entirely differently.


    Hi Sooty:)


    If I had a post removed I'd like an explanatory e-mail so I would know what to avoid. :)  Also I might want to comment back if I felt the Mod was wrong or ignorant of some facts :)




    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • seymouraves said:

    Hi moderators this is not a criticism just a observation and I think you have a extremely difficult job and think you have stated we are all learning as we go along,this is obviously only my opinion but think that the e-mail from the moderators when removing a post is perhaps more annoying than having the comment removed and maybe you would consider just editing or removing offensive comments without sending e-mails.

    The last thing we want from using such a useful forum is for members to be upset and cancel their subscription.

    Just really food for thought and other members may see thing entirely differently.



    Hi Sooty:)


    If I had a post removed I'd like an explanatory e-mail so I would know what to avoid. :)  Also I might want to comment back if I felt the Mod was wrong or ignorant of some facts :)





    Hi Seymour the trouble maybe that when I had one removed could not understand the explanation more abide by terms and conditions and asked for reasons and none forthcoming which left me more confused and once when I said that someone probably needed a apology told if I was not satisfied with answer from mods click here,guess what that page not available.would certainly be interesting if other people who have had comment removed dislike the e-mail.In my opinion the one I received did not clarify the issue. 



    I can't comment as I've never had a post removed here :)

    I can say that I have had mods removed from other sites after I was vindicated of so called 'inflammatory comments' :))


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • seymouraves said:


    I can't comment as I've never had a post removed here :)

    I can say that I have had mods removed from other sites after I was vindicated of so called 'inflammatory comments' :))


    A real teacher's pet you were! :) :)


  • KatTai said:

    I was disappointed to see the other thread has been locked, it could have been a good debate rather than turning into a flame-war but unfortunately it had to be ruined because people couldn't be nice and actually engage in a debate.  If someone posts something you don't agree with, give a reasoned reply as to why you disagree rather than shooting someone down or making a nasty comment as all that does is make people look clueless and as if they are disagreeing without a fair reason for disagreeing. People have different views, get over it. 

    Let's not lose the opportunity to debate different views on the forum!


    Wise words Kat :o)))



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Hi Clair

      Completely agree, But sometimes people may take things the wrong way.

       Being a yorkshireman I joke a lot and call a spade a spade [nothing to do with cats].

     But if I OFFEND anybody please don't be afraid to tell me and I will certainly oppologise.

      As should anyone else.



             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Clair

      Completely agree, But sometimes people may take things the wrong way.

       Being a yorkshireman I joke a lot and call a spade a spade [nothing to do with cats].

     But if I OFFEND anybody please don't be afraid to tell me and I will certainly oppologise.

      As should anyone else.



    My dad is a Yorkshireman- and we are used to people with senses of humour on here ;)


    Just don't mention Geoffrey Boycott :)))



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box