Good Manners on the Forums

I have been a member of the Community for some time, although I have left and returned on occasion. For the most part, the contributions have been helpful, interesting and informative for me as a learner.

Sometimes, however, I am disturbed by comments which are either transparently or obliquely offensive and it did take some courage to post a first blog. What worries me most is that, on rare occasions, insults are compounded by a few.

If I had made some of the comments I have recently read to  a colleague at work, I think disciplinary measures would have been taken.

This is a call for politeness and respect - regardless of the posters level of knowledge or experience.






"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake



    on a slightly different tack, I'm amazed I've not had any rude, brusque , abusive etc responses to my ID puzzles. In the real world there are some people who will argue black is white, a Blue Tit is a Bearded Tit etc. depite evidence to the contrary. Ive noticed no obvious clicques here either .

    This forum in general seems very polite and subdued compared with others I have been on.


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • I am not sure how many other forums people belong to. This forum seems no different from most and is a good deal more benign than many.

    The reality is that this is an internet forum and nothing else. It should be judged by the standards of internet forums.

    Totally agree with seymmouraves that this forum is very polite compared to many I have known.

  • There's an element of  the opening post in a thread setting the tone of the ensuing debate. If the topic is controversial and likely to polarise views, an originator who opens with an undiplomatic, gung-ho style should not be too surprised when the keyboard equivalents of RPGs start whistling in from every direction.  As veterans of this Community know very well I hold pretty robust views on some aspects of wildlife conservation (the clue's in my tagline) so I try not to be "in your face" about them unless someone invites it (in which case it's "game on" as far as I'm concerned).

    That said there is never an excuse for rudeness or uncivility.


    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?


    Equally, I personally do NOT post about exceptionally divisive topics on here because to my mind it's not that kind of forum :)



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Jimmy,

    All I meant was that I don't necessarily agree with the suggestions here that some people are being cliquey.

    Nothing more than that. But if anyone thinks they are, well again, everyone has their own opinion.



    Hi SurbitonLad what Jimbob meant really was that the same people have the same opinion almost all the time coincidence oh yeh.

    How sad that two more leaving the forum because they consider they were victims of a type of bullying whether intentional or not that is obviously what they believe and indeed RSPB loses a member.Really sad over someone having legitimate views on a subject and the two people leaving are definitely bird lovers indeed Jimbob trekked all day in the Hebrides to get wildlife photos and without upsetting what are definitely brilliant photographers on the forum Jimbob is in my opinion the best wildlife photographer and someone we can hardly lose.

  • seymouraves said:


    Equally, I personally do NOT post about exceptionally divisive topics on here because to my mind it's not that kind of forum :)



    Just think Seymour that it is difficult for some people probably myself included to know what is divisive topic and to lose two members over such a innocent thread when both bird lovers is indefensible in my opinion. 

  • Ok, I think a little more clarity is needed here, and in particular with regards to my own position.

    Firstly, I don't feel as if I have been 'bullied' in any way, shape, or form.

    The idea is laughable to be honest, and I would hope that if ever this scenario arose, I would be more than able to hold my own.

    But, I now strongly believe that a once polite, informative, and enjoyable forum has developed into something less desirable.

    Maybe it is because I don't post that often (weeks can go by without me even going on this site) that I have noticed this trend more than the regular posters.

    This was borne out by the 'attack' recently on another members first post on bird ringing.

    Now, I'm sure the OP looks back and thinks - 'hmmm, perhaps I could have worded that better.' or words to that effect.

    But, even so, this does not excuse the vitriol, suspicion, and downright hostility that his post received, from first one poster, then a whole barrage of them.

    And then when I posted in favour of the OP, I too was ''shouted down'' by the majority. In fact the mods decided to re-edit my post for being 'off topic' and to totally delete a reply from another member presumably because they thought I may find it offensive.( I believe this to be true, but if the poster personally removed the comment after hindsight, then fair enough)

    I admit I was at fault for moving off topic, and bringing my concerns about politeness on the forums up in another thread, and I apologise for that.

    However I will not apologise for stating here that the forum has some serious issues that need to be addressed, one of which is the way certain forum members 'speak' to others.

    I am not alone in this, this is obvious, because the person who started this thread also shares my views, as do others who have commented.

    I wont be leaving the forum, I had no intention of doing so.

    However, I may think twice about uploading images, or commenting on anything remotely controversial in the future.

    Thanks to all who have been supportive, and Sooty, cheers for your kind words on my images, they certainly aren't the best on here by a long way, but I very much appreciate your words:)




  • I was disappointed to see the other thread has been locked, it could have been a good debate rather than turning into a flame-war but unfortunately it had to be ruined because people couldn't be nice and actually engage in a debate.  If someone posts something you don't agree with, give a reasoned reply as to why you disagree rather than shooting someone down or making a nasty comment as all that does is make people look clueless and as if they are disagreeing without a fair reason for disagreeing. People have different views, get over it. 

    Let's not lose the opportunity to debate different views on the forum!

  • I have been away for a few days and have just caught up with some recent posts. Jimbob, I agree with you entirely about the trend in general, except to comment that while the majority may have disagreed with the OP of the ringing thread, and his supporters - it was only certain posters who did the "shouting" - which in my view was distasteful.

    A "forum" such as this is a place for open and hopefully adult debate and to judge this forum against the qualities or features of others is meaningless.

    Jimbob said:

    Ok, I think a little more clarity is needed here, and in particular with regards to my own position.

    Firstly, I don't feel as if I have been 'bullied' in any way, shape, or form.

    The idea is laughable to be honest, and I would hope that if ever this scenario arose, I would be more than able to hold my own.

    But, I now strongly believe that a once polite, informative, and enjoyable forum has developed into something less desirable.

    Maybe it is because I don't post that often (weeks can go by without me even going on this site) that I have noticed this trend more than the regular posters.

    This was borne out by the 'attack' recently on another members first post on bird ringing.

    Now, I'm sure the OP looks back and thinks - 'hmmm, perhaps I could have worded that better.' or words to that effect.

    But, even so, this does not excuse the vitriol, suspicion, and downright hostility that his post received, from first one poster, then a whole barrage of them.

    And then when I posted in favour of the OP, I too was ''shouted down'' by the majority. In fact the mods decided to re-edit my post for being 'off topic' and to totally delete a reply from another member presumably because they thought I may find it offensive.( I believe this to be true, but if the poster personally removed the comment after hindsight, then fair enough)

    I admit I was at fault for moving off topic, and bringing my concerns about politeness on the forums up in another thread, and I apologise for that.

    However I will not apologise for stating here that the forum has some serious issues that need to be addressed, one of which is the way certain forum members 'speak' to others.

    I am not alone in this, this is obvious, because the person who started this thread also shares my views, as do others who have commented.

    I wont be leaving the forum, I had no intention of doing so.

    However, I may think twice about uploading images, or commenting on anything remotely controversial in the future.

    Thanks to all who have been supportive, and Sooty, cheers for your kind words on my images, they certainly aren't the best on here by a long way, but I very much appreciate your words:)





    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake