Good Manners on the Forums

I have been a member of the Community for some time, although I have left and returned on occasion. For the most part, the contributions have been helpful, interesting and informative for me as a learner.

Sometimes, however, I am disturbed by comments which are either transparently or obliquely offensive and it did take some courage to post a first blog. What worries me most is that, on rare occasions, insults are compounded by a few.

If I had made some of the comments I have recently read to  a colleague at work, I think disciplinary measures would have been taken.

This is a call for politeness and respect - regardless of the posters level of knowledge or experience.






"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • I would agree, this is a continuing trend on this forum.

    I have been left stunned by responses to a post I submitted earlier today on another thread.

    It seems to me now, that if you go against the grain, and disagree with the majority view, then you are regarded as persona non grata by the self appointed guardians of the forum.

    But hey, I'm a big boy, and I wont let it bother me, but perhaps other more vulnerable or insecure posters are now thinking twice about posting anything that may be even slightly controversial......

    I am a sporadic poster at best, and I dont comment often, and mainly contribute images of birds.

    I probably won't be doing so again.

    Well done for speaking up:)





  • Personally I would like you to stay and keep on posting ... it's good to have a good argument on here sometimes.

    You know what the best way of dealing with bullies is of course ...


    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • Personally I would like you to stay and keep on posting ... it's good to have a good argument on here sometimes.

    You know what the best way of dealing with bullies is of course ...



    Cheers Ant.

    Discussion is healthy, no doubt about that.

    But if your view differs form someone else's, then that's fine. Express yourself without being too over zealous, or even blatantly offensive, and crucially, without all the  original disagreeing posters 'friends' jumping on the bandwagon to shout the 'offending' poster down.

    There is no place for that on a public forum in my opinion.

    Ant, I'm 6.3 and 16 stones, I've never been bullied in my life! but your right:)



  • I think this is a really important issue. I think that people have got to be able to express different views and have disagreements.  Otherwise the forum loses value as a disussion place, which is surely what a forum is.  I work supporting the teaching of IT and one of the subjects is "Using IT to communicate" .  Because we normally use a lot of tone, body and face language when we are discussing face to face we are normally able to show humour or quickly pick up when we have hurt someone's feelings.  We can correct misunderstandings or enthusiasm rushes (temper!) as we go along.  However, this is not possible on a virtual environment so we have to be extra careful to express ourselves sensitively and also hold back a bit from getting offended.  People trying to be concise can come across as abrupt and rude without intending to.  I, personally,  hope we can keep everyone on board to work to get this right.

  • Jimbob said:



    Ant, I'm 6.3 and 16 stones, I've never been bullied in my life! but your right:)



    Blimey ... we could be twins! ;o)

    I'm afraid cliques happen on most message boards. Just carry on posting regardless I say!

    I for one, have thoroughly enjoyed reading the Too Much Ringing thread. I didn't have an opinion before, so it was quite god to read up on something that I didn't realise was such a "hot potato" of a subject.




    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • If it is being suggested that to post "I agree with (whoever it was)" is tantamount to bullying or ganging up, then I don't know what one is supposed to say. Presumably it's OK to say you don't agree? If people agree or disagree strongly enough with a point of view that they feel so moved to make a post, then I see nothing wrong with it. You will then get a straw poll of what the balance of opinion is, and there can be nothing wrong with that either.

    Why should one read something into an email that isn't there? But blatantly rude words and insinuating turns of phrase are another matter.



    Seriously thinking about trying harder!

  • Why should one read something into an email that isn't there? 


    Hi Andy, without being rude, can you possibly explain this comment?

    I'm not sure I understand.




  • Unknown said:

    I for one, have thoroughly enjoyed reading the Too Much Ringing thread. I didn't have an opinion before, so it was quite god to read up on something that I didn't realise was such a "hot potato" of a subject.


    Well, getting it up to the status of "hot potato" means I have achieved something I suppose. The downside though is that I will in all probablity vote with my feet. Now that it has been clearly stated exactly what the RSPB's position is with regard to CES ringing I no longer wish to be a member. I'm reluctant to take that step, especially after being a member for over 25 years, plus a regular monthly giver through CAF when I was employed, but I'm afraid stifling this debate has just pushed me over the edge.

    Yes RSPB I do feel that strongly!!!


  • Jimbob - hoping that you are going to stay! Love your photos and contributions!

    Not getting much time to read threads or post lately so missing (fortunately it seems!) a lot of what is going on, but hope that it doesn't cause more people to leave....

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Hi Jimmy,

    All I meant was that I don't necessarily agree with the suggestions here that some people are being cliquey.

    Nothing more than that. But if anyone thinks they are, well again, everyone has their own opinion.



    Seriously thinking about trying harder!