Ignore option?

Not sure if it is an option with this forums software, but as there is meant to be an upgrade perhaps the tech people would consider adding an ignore option to the forum, which allows members to not to see posts from certain individuals for whatever reason.  While it may seem like an unpleasent option, I do think it would be a good thing to add and I myself have used such an option on another forum when another member was proving to be very irritating and doing my head in.  It makes things much easier in such circumstances and can avoid causing aggro.

  • Well Richard, you have echoed my thoughts exactly.  It saddens me to come here sometimes because of the general atmosphere, there's an underlying toe to many of the threads that you can ignore for a few but it gets exhausting after a while!

    On the subject of an ignore button.  Just skim read, no one makes you read every word of every post...and no one knows if you don't.

    I am remaining impartial to things but here's a thought;  we're all adults here and its time to start acting like it.  There's no need to be downright obviously rude if you don't agree with someone or something, just let it go, life is too short.



    I'm just glad we didnt have any flamers, maybe it's time to move on having vented our spleen and see if things change.



    ps- I've posted some mystery pics to take everyones mind off it.

    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hazel b said:
    Basically it would be good if the original poster could block posters from that thread. If this was possible then most problems would disappear. Probably the equivalent of defriending people on FB.


    That is the best idea I have heard - brilliant and it would work better than a general ignore button. Well said Tiger.



    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hazel b said:

    Basically it would be good if the original poster could block posters from that thread. If this was possible then most problems would disappear. Probably the equivalent of defriending people on FB.

    Technically a difficult one to deliver I suspect Tiger, and the risk would be that the Community descended into a number of cliques. If I kept finding merry discussion threads that I couldn't join in I'd develop a persecution complex quite quickly. This reminds me of the Amish custom of pointedly shunning those who had transgressed the unwritten rules.

    Perhaps more humane, though even more technically complex, would be a "Hide this thread from <username(s)>" option for thread originators. At least those "shunned" wouldn't realise it.

    It's a pity we're even having this thread really.......


    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?

  • bramble67 said:

    Hi all,

    this is my first visit to the forums for some time and I am saddened to see that there is the same underlying tone to threads as there was on my last visit,

    I do not know what has been going on or with whom and I am really not interested. I would live by the motto that you should never say on any forum what you would not say to a person face to face.  People seem to be very brave when they feel they are anonymous.

    I will not be visiting the forums again as I feel the light hearted and informative nature has gone and I am now left with a nasty taste in my mouth.

    Good luck to all, I hope whoever you are, you manage to sort it out.


    Sarah has summed it all up for me.
    I haven't posted for some time - some people might think that's a good thing :)

    But I have many other things to do with my life at the moment so unless things improve I'm off too.
    Unless I have a bird photo to ID.

    "Thanks for all the Fish"

    Best wishes, GrahamC

  • Well there goes another 2 fine folks!

    Wonder who is next?


    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • Unknown said:

    Technically a difficult one to deliver I suspect Tiger, and the risk would be that the Community descended into a number of cliques. If I kept finding merry discussion threads that I couldn't join in I'd develop a persecution complex quite quickly. This reminds me of the Amish custom of pointedly shunning those who had transgressed the unwritten rules.

    Perhaps more humane, though even more technically complex, would be a "Hide this thread from <username(s)>" option for thread originators. At least those "shunned" wouldn't realise it.

    It's a pity we're even having this thread really.......


    I like your ideas John. Like you I am saddened that this conversation is even taking place.

    I think I have met your name in other places which are driven by vBulletin. If you are the same John you will know that the ignore feature is availble on vBulletin. Personally I have only ever used it transiently and even then it is only partiallly effective as you would have to ignore all those people not ignoring the ignored if you get my drift.

    The "hide the thread option" is available on at least two platforms I know. Mind you it works the other way round. On one the folder is hidden from everyone and selectively revealed to chosen  usernames. Of course access can be cut off in an instant without anyone realising it except the moderators. It can be a very powerful tool.

    Still the most successfull forums are where the software is simple and people respect each others wishes!





  • seymouraves said:


    Dang!  I thought I was quite good at small talk :((

    Just goes to show how wrong a guy can be about themselves  I guess and not realise it




    You certainly are that!


  • Susan H said:

    Basically it would be good if the original poster could block posters from that thread. If this was possible then most problems would disappear. Probably the equivalent of defriending people on FB.


    That is the best idea I have heard - brilliant and it would work better than a general ignore button. Well said Tiger.


    I am glad you think so. Yes it would be like everyone having their own mini forums! No reason why not!



  • Hi Tiger

    Even when they've been available I've never felt the need to resort to an ignore option so far. Once we slip into into the realms of blacklists and whitelists I'll probably decide that I've got better things to spend time on than try and stay in the right cliques.  While I'm determined to remain neutral and objective at all times there are thread topics that I avoid now because I know that they'll be trouble.  I have occasional disagreements on here (like most contributors no doubt) but only ever encountered one individual whose posts I deemed seriously objectionable (and I told him so - end of).

    By and large the vast majority of contributors on here seem like regular stand-up guys/gals and things would have to get seriously bad before I grabbed the parachute and headed for the exit ramp. I get grumpier about the access speed issues.



    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?