Ignore option?

Not sure if it is an option with this forums software, but as there is meant to be an upgrade perhaps the tech people would consider adding an ignore option to the forum, which allows members to not to see posts from certain individuals for whatever reason.  While it may seem like an unpleasent option, I do think it would be a good thing to add and I myself have used such an option on another forum when another member was proving to be very irritating and doing my head in.  It makes things much easier in such circumstances and can avoid causing aggro.


    Dang!  I thought I was quite good at small talk :((

    Just goes to show how wrong a guy can be about themselves  I guess and not realise it




    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hi all,


    this is my first visit to the forums for some time and I am saddened to see that there is the same underlying tone to threads as there was on my last visit,

    I do not know what has been going on or with whom and I am really not interested. I would live by the motto that you should never say on any forum what you would not say to a person face to face.  People seem to be very brave when they feel they are anonymous.

    I will not be visiting the forums again as I feel the light hearted and informative nature has gone and I am now left with a nasty taste in my mouth.

    Good luck to all, I hope whoever you are, you manage to sort it out.




    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 15/09/2010 02:55 in reply to seymouraves

    Hi Seymour

    I have zzzzzeee wayysss of mmkkkkking yooooou ttttaalllllk LOL

    S: You are good at small talk, and have a great sense of humour too. 

    Noticed that from the moment go on here.

    Well thhhinnnnngs hhheerreeee arree goooooinggg toooo bbbbeee sorrrtteed andddd Dddddaaaavvveeee wwwilllll beeee soooooo ppllleeaaaseed ffffor mmmmmee!!!!!!  aannnnnddddd hhhhhhiiiimmmmmm.  We will be a happy as two bugs on a flower!!!

    Anyway it is good to have a good life and Dave and I have it, and each other.


    Kathy and Dave



    I just popped in but  straight back out for another glass of me.Night night folks. Bounce 

    Warmth,humour and laughter are so important.The serious issues, we really don't need to be reminded of because they are within all of our hearts, at all times anyway.

    Why is it that some people have to convince us and themselves , they feel the same, over and over and over again.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Nicki C said:

    Hi Seymour

    I have zzzzzeee wayysss of mmkkkkking yooooou ttttaalllllk LOL

    S: You are good at small talk, and have a great sense of humour too. 

    Noticed that from the moment go on here.

    Well thhhinnnnngs hhheerreeee arree goooooinggg toooo bbbbeee sorrrtteed andddd Dddddaaaavvveeee wwwilllll beeee soooooo ppllleeaaaseed ffffor mmmmmee!!!!!!  aannnnnddddd hhhhhhiiiimmmmmm.  We will be a happy as two bugs on a flower!!!

    Anyway it is good to have a good life and we have it at least, and each other


    Kathy and Dave






    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • bramble67 said:

    Hi all,


    this is my first visit to the forums for some time and I am saddened to see that there is the same underlying tone to threads as there was on my last visit,

    I do not know what has been going on or with whom and I am really not interested. I would live by the motto that you should never say on any forum what you would not say to a person face to face.  People seem to be very brave when they feel they are anonymous.

    I will not be visiting the forums again as I feel the light hearted and informative nature has gone and I am now left with a nasty taste in my mouth.

    Good luck to all, I hope whoever you are, you manage to sort it out.



    Hi Sarah,

    That is a real pity, and I will be so sorry if you leave. Please reconsider .... you are a genuine garden bird lover, and I would miss you very much.

    Linda xx

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • From all the statements above from and for everyone I think a case for an " Ignore option" has been proved.


  • What must “New Comers” and “Returning Members” to this forum think when they stumble across this not so inconspicuous thread and “Pipit” thread.

    Shame on us all (me included). The impression we must be imparting to the new or the infrequent members of the forum will be one of total unruliness, discord, disharmony and a total lack of decorum.

    This is a forum I chose to join back in June because I found the subjects were broad enough and well covered that I felt I could learn something from each and every one of the contributors. My judgement on this has proved to be spot on to date because each and everyone who contributes to the forum have imparted knowledgeable information which would cost a fortune if I wanted to learn it within the UK academic system.

    However recently I’ve become aware that there are one or two disruptive and troublesome members who knowingly or unwittingly cause havoc, chaos and even pandemonium amongst their fellow members. So much so that it distracts those members from the reason they’re members of the forum in the first place.

    So I’d like to call a time out and say that enough is enough. Please can we all get back to the reason we joined this forum (whatever that may be), otherwise I can see the RSPB pulling the plug on this forum because we’re not self-moderating (as adults) and it is costing to much because we are pulling valuable resources away from the main purpose of the RSPB. If you are RSPB Members you’ll understand this last statement.

    On a personal note; I do love this forum because of the broad variety of subjects covered and cross section of members whether knowledgeable or not who are generally having fun with the subjects covered and generally none are bothered if they ask a silly question make a complete ass of themselves i.e. having fun unlike other forums.

  • I was thinking overnight and the feature I would like most of all is something I have never seen anywhere. Basically it would be good if the original poster could block posters from that thread. If this was possible then most problems would disappear. Probably the equivalent of defriending people on FB.

    However I am not sure these discussions are very fruitful. No doubt the programmers will be aware of what is possible and what isn't.

    No point in further comment just now!


  • Hi all

    Would an 'ignore' button mean to ignore a member or just a particular thread or post?

    If it was for a thread that would be a good idea as there are quite a few that I do not read but still have to scroll through to find the ones I am interested in.

    Not that the threads are not interesting but not something that I want to follow etc. (hope that makes sense!)

    I have had no problems with any members (you are all nice!) so don't want to ignore anyone,just some threads that I have no interest in.


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.