Ignore option?

Not sure if it is an option with this forums software, but as there is meant to be an upgrade perhaps the tech people would consider adding an ignore option to the forum, which allows members to not to see posts from certain individuals for whatever reason.  While it may seem like an unpleasent option, I do think it would be a good thing to add and I myself have used such an option on another forum when another member was proving to be very irritating and doing my head in.  It makes things much easier in such circumstances and can avoid causing aggro.



    blocking threads is really the thin end of the wedge as far as I'm concerned- I just ignore stuff I regard as too contentious/ outside my zone of interest etc :)

    Sadly the longer this goes on ( I see we have lost another member this evening)  it appears either some of us are too sensitive or we need decisive action from the mods soon.

    I can't believe no one has not had the nowse to immediately copy paste one of these vindictive, rude whatever posts and pass it on to a mod, proving it once and for all   :(((



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box




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