How do you contact the administrators of this forum!


Hello Administrators, please contact me regarding an injustice that is being carried out by a longtime member of this forum. You are about to loose a lot of members because of this persons behaviour.

Thank you

Good Evening all

Just had make my position very clear

This is not a Witch Hunt, if you have not been affected by this individual, then that is great, long may it continue, there is no need for you to continue on this thread.

I raised this matter as

a. I was affected personally

b. I hate bully's and could see this individual trying to ostracize others.

It is incumbent on all who have been the target of this individual to speak up for themselves, Yes, I have raised the matter in an effort to get it stamped out, however I am not going to act as anyone else's mouth piece, and  I am sure the majority affected wish to speak for themselves, but, there are some who stand back and expect others to fire their bullets, it's not going to happen folks.

07:23 26/07/2010

Good Morning Moderators.

I have no interest if you Lock this thread or Delete this Thread, however I and others expect you to READ this thread Thoroughly! and make yourselves fully cognizant of the depth of unrest on this forum.

As a professional organisation I expect you to deal your forum members complaints Professionally.

It may be the case in the past that you have been able to ignore individual members complaints, writing them off as childish or a clash of personalities, or at most playground tactics In this instance that will NOT be an option.

If you had moderated this forum properly, you would have been aware of the undercurrent, and the provoking behaviour of this individual, and not disappointed everybody by your failed grasp of the situation and wrong censuring of a victim of this horror of an individual.

I will be away for the rest of the day, but look forward to reading your email on my return

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 26/07/2010 15:16 in reply to mpiekp

    mpiekp said:

    I am very new here and sorry to here this is going on, what I would say is the red buttons to report posts, have a copy of the post at the time the button was pressed (regardless of subsequent editing), so to avoid the editing issue press that button before anything else.


    I hope this gets sorted


    Thanks Mike


    Hi Mike

    Thanks for that good advice.

    However, the moderators will only take action if abusive words are used in the post itself.

    Speaking for myself, I did start pressing the red button when it happened but the mods wouldn’t or couldn’t take it on. The abuse I have to endure from this individual is much more underhand.

    My posts  ( and those of several others) are undermined and belittled in other ways than direct abuse and this is hard to explain to the mods. Frustration led me to make comments on this person’s behaviour myself – and these were quickly deleted by the mods (as they should be, really)

    Yes, of course press the red button when there is a complaint to be made, but what this forum needs is to be moderated professionally so that these patterns of behaviour are picked up and dealt with.  I’m not ‘having a go’ at the present moderators. They are RSPB workers good enough to give up their time to keep an eye on the forum.

    However, with such behaviour going on unchecked, it’s probably time they had some help. I really, really hope that their first action in this direction is to tackle the subject of this very serious thread.



  • Susan H said:

    I have been racking my brains and tearing my hair out trying to find the words I wanted to write on this thread, without success. Now I see Corriepaw has echoed all my thoughts and very eloquently put them into words.

    I personally had problems with this person many months ago, and dealt with it quietly in my own way, which alleviated the situation for me and we managed to rub along together. However, I have been so annoyed and uncomfortable in recent months witnessing her incredible behaviour, sometimes deliberately aimed at others, and sometimes for no discernable reason, that I can keep quiet no more. Her actions are not only unsociable and malicious, they are frequently dishonest and contravene the basic rules of all other forums. Her edit button works over time, so the mods may find it hard to pull out the offending threads.

    I will say no more, Corriepaw said it all for me.

    While I don't know what is going on, I can offer some advice here.  If someone is editing their posts to make it more difficult for moderators to see what is going on you can create a screenshot of the section in question to show moderators (it does often help when comparing to the edited post).  There is a guide on how to make a screenshot here -  You can also quote the person in a reply but obviously this can be edited by the person quoting and therefore isn't as effective as a screenshot though sometimes that alone can be enough to stop someone posting something aimed to offend another if they know that their post will be quoted and what they originally said be kept in the thread.  It makes getting rid of what they originally posted much more difficult because they are unable to edit others posts.  I would suggest collecting screenshots of offending posts and then submitting a number at a time to moderators complete with links to the original threads/communications from the individual in question.