How do you contact the administrators of this forum!


Hello Administrators, please contact me regarding an injustice that is being carried out by a longtime member of this forum. You are about to loose a lot of members because of this persons behaviour.

Thank you

Good Evening all

Just had make my position very clear

This is not a Witch Hunt, if you have not been affected by this individual, then that is great, long may it continue, there is no need for you to continue on this thread.

I raised this matter as

a. I was affected personally

b. I hate bully's and could see this individual trying to ostracize others.

It is incumbent on all who have been the target of this individual to speak up for themselves, Yes, I have raised the matter in an effort to get it stamped out, however I am not going to act as anyone else's mouth piece, and  I am sure the majority affected wish to speak for themselves, but, there are some who stand back and expect others to fire their bullets, it's not going to happen folks.

07:23 26/07/2010

Good Morning Moderators.

I have no interest if you Lock this thread or Delete this Thread, however I and others expect you to READ this thread Thoroughly! and make yourselves fully cognizant of the depth of unrest on this forum.

As a professional organisation I expect you to deal your forum members complaints Professionally.

It may be the case in the past that you have been able to ignore individual members complaints, writing them off as childish or a clash of personalities, or at most playground tactics In this instance that will NOT be an option.

If you had moderated this forum properly, you would have been aware of the undercurrent, and the provoking behaviour of this individual, and not disappointed everybody by your failed grasp of the situation and wrong censuring of a victim of this horror of an individual.

I will be away for the rest of the day, but look forward to reading your email on my return



    I havent been bullied in RL since I was about 20,   I dunno if the guy is out of hospital and whether the surgeons managed to remove my tripod, if so maybe I'll get it back one day :)



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • As Lass has already said.If you haven't been affected by anyone, please don't respond on this thread.Only those that have been should comment otherwise, it does look like a witchhunt and it isn't, but it is a very upsetting and extremely serious issue to those that have.

    For those that have been upset by a certain poster please speak out now because you are not alone.

    I have left a messge on Vals page but think this thread. should be bumped until it is responded too by a mod..



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Hi all,

    I find myself an infrequent contributer to this wonderful site, mostly due to shiftwork and long hours, but I have noticed for months now that the member concerned has caused a lot of problems.

    This being the case, I have to disagree slightly that you have to have been targetted directly by this person in order to put your own voice forward in the matter of bullying. I have not suffered direct abuse from this person. However - I have found it increasingly uncomfortable and annoying to join a thread and then witness the sort of diatribe offered by this individual, which all too often proves to be childish, petty and often irreverent. This affects not just those targetted. It is fine, even encouragable, that we disagree and discuss our different views and approaches to wildlife in the spirit of honest parlez and eagerness to learn and reflect. What I don't like is spite and overbearance.

    This is not a witch-hunt. It is a consensus, the result of some very unsociable and malicious behaviour and I think that it is right to have one thread that focuses everybodys feelings on the matter. In this manner, it is hoped that the RSPB moderators will realise that this is not something to be passed off with neutral-sounding replies to individual complaints, but an issue which needs decisive action.

    I emphasise - this is a brilliant site, filled with mostly wonderful, generous and warm people who also bring a healthy dash of humour along with them. Let's not lose that, or the people who make it the fantastic forum it is.


    On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it - Jules Renard

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 25/07/2010 20:24 in reply to Corriepaw

    Corriepaw said:

    Hi all,

    I find myself an infrequent contributer to this wonderful site, mostly due to shiftwork and long hours, but I have noticed for months now that the member concerned has caused a lot of problems.

    This being the case, I have to disagree slightly that you have to have been targetted directly by this person in order to put your own voice forward in the matter of bullying. I have not suffered direct abuse from this person. However - I have found it increasingly uncomfortable and annoying to join a thread and then witness the sort of diatribe offered by this individual, which all too often proves to be childish, petty and often irreverent. This affects not just those targetted. It is fine, even encouragable, that we disagree and discuss our different views and approaches to wildlife in the spirit of honest parlez and eagerness to learn and reflect. What I don't like is spite and overbearance.

    This is not a witch-hunt. It is a consensus, the result of some very unsociable and malicious behaviour and I think that it is right to have one thread that focuses everybodys feelings on the matter. In this manner, it is hoped that the RSPB moderators will realise that this is not something to be passed off with neutral-sounding replies to individual complaints, but an issue which needs decisive action.

    I emphasise - this is a brilliant site, filled with mostly wonderful, generous and warm people who also bring a healthy dash of humour along with them. Let's not lose that, or the people who make it the fantastic forum it is.



    Well stated Corriepaw, you are correct, if other members have witnessed this persons behaviour and are willing to speak up then brilliant, please post here.

    What I do not want to see, is people posting for the sake of posting, when

    a. they have no idea what is going on or to whom we refer

    b. they are not a target of this individual.

    As I feel it belittles the strength of feeling on this matter

    I hope everyone will respect our wishes in this matter !

    Thank You

  • Hi Corriepaw

    I completely agree, this is absolutely not a witch-hunt, but a consensus amongst adults, who have tried to resolve this problem already, intelligently and after a great deal of thought.

    Dear Buzzard, Seymour and Aiki.... you are each so important to this site and unlikely to ever be targeted by the person this thread relates to. I have learnt so much from you all and have enormous respect for your knowledge and your wilingness to share it.

    The group that has been targeted is fairly small, but the impact on them has been considerable and should not be ignored.

    As Corriepaw has mentioned though the whole forum is affected by this kind of behaviour as core people will leave..... some already have..... if it is left to continue.

    It is  tough running a forum. Mature adults  self-regulate their own behaviour, but sadly not all forums members are willing or able to be responsible for their behaviour towards others.

    This is the situation this thread is aimed at resolving and I am certain we will all work with the RSPB moderators to achieve a good outcome


    "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • Unknown said:

    Hi all,

    I find myself an infrequent contributer to this wonderful site, mostly due to shiftwork and long hours, but I have noticed for months now that the member concerned has caused a lot of problems.

    This being the case, I have to disagree slightly that you have to have been targetted directly by this person in order to put your own voice forward in the matter of bullying. I have not suffered direct abuse from this person. However - I have found it increasingly uncomfortable and annoying to join a thread and then witness the sort of diatribe offered by this individual, which all too often proves to be childish, petty and often irreverent. This affects not just those targetted. It is fine, even encouragable, that we disagree and discuss our different views and approaches to wildlife in the spirit of honest parlez and eagerness to learn and reflect. What I don't like is spite and overbearance.

    This is not a witch-hunt. It is a consensus, the result of some very unsociable and malicious behaviour and I think that it is right to have one thread that focuses everybodys feelings on the matter. In this manner, it is hoped that the RSPB moderators will realise that this is not something to be passed off with neutral-sounding replies to individual complaints, but an issue which needs decisive action.

    I emphasise - this is a brilliant site, filled with mostly wonderful, generous and warm people who also bring a healthy dash of humour along with them. Let's not lose that, or the people who make it the fantastic forum it is.




    Well stated Corriepaw, you are correct, if other members have witnessed this persons behaviour and are willing to speak up then brilliant, please post here.

    What I do not want to see, is people posting for the sake of posting, when

    a. they have no idea what is going on or to whom we refer

    b. they are not a target of this individual.

    As I feel it belittles the strength of feeling on this matter

    I hope everyone will respect our wishes in this matter !

    Thank You


     Here here,i so agree Rhona and Corrie.Just please dont let this thread get lost until it is read by a mod as i feel everyone is being so brave in speaking out .It should not be allowed to be swept under the carpet by the moderators. For heavens sake, this is not just a few people here and it should not be allowed to continue.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • I have been racking my brains and tearing my hair out trying to find the words I wanted to write on this thread, without success. Now I see Corriepaw has echoed all my thoughts and very eloquently put them into words.

    I personally had problems with this person many months ago, and dealt with it quietly in my own way, which alleviated the situation for me and we managed to rub along together. However, I have been so annoyed and uncomfortable in recent months witnessing her incredible behaviour, sometimes deliberately aimed at others, and sometimes for no discernable reason, that I can keep quiet no more. Her actions are not only unsociable and malicious, they are frequently dishonest and contravene the basic rules of all other forums. Her edit button works over time, so the mods may find it hard to pull out the offending threads.

    I will say no more, Corriepaw said it all for me.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I am very new here and sorry to here this is going on, what I would say is the red buttons to report posts, have a copy of the post at the time the button was pressed (regardless of subsequent editing), so to avoid the editing issue press that button before anything else.


    I hope this gets sorted


    Thanks Mike

    It's both what you do and the way that you do it!

    You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
    William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)

  • Unknown said:

    All this has totally passed me by, so I'm on the same quiet backwater planet as Seymour and Buzzard.

    And I'm staying right here (I hope).


    Me too! But then I often skim read so probably haven't picked up undercurrents. I hope the folks who have been adversely affected don't give up on all the lovely people who hang out in the forums :-)


    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]

  • Dear Moderator,

    Today you will probably lock this thread.Please note that there are 17 genuine complaints regarding a member of this forum who continually bullies others.She often edits her own posts so that the offending words are omitted or adds in an attempt  to make others posts look foolish.Many have already left because of her behaviour because it is extremely hard work, when moderators don't seem to notice and this poster is very good at complaining thus making herself the victim.

    We have not named her but you have been informed as to who it is and i know you have been contacted regarding this member in the past.We are all normal rational adults and it is grossly unfair if again, this goes without action being taken.How and why this person was given a good egg award is absolutely beyond me.

    Please read the posts and let us all know what you are going to do about.




    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .