How do you contact the administrators of this forum!


Hello Administrators, please contact me regarding an injustice that is being carried out by a longtime member of this forum. You are about to loose a lot of members because of this persons behaviour.

Thank you

Good Evening all

Just had make my position very clear

This is not a Witch Hunt, if you have not been affected by this individual, then that is great, long may it continue, there is no need for you to continue on this thread.

I raised this matter as

a. I was affected personally

b. I hate bully's and could see this individual trying to ostracize others.

It is incumbent on all who have been the target of this individual to speak up for themselves, Yes, I have raised the matter in an effort to get it stamped out, however I am not going to act as anyone else's mouth piece, and  I am sure the majority affected wish to speak for themselves, but, there are some who stand back and expect others to fire their bullets, it's not going to happen folks.

07:23 26/07/2010

Good Morning Moderators.

I have no interest if you Lock this thread or Delete this Thread, however I and others expect you to READ this thread Thoroughly! and make yourselves fully cognizant of the depth of unrest on this forum.

As a professional organisation I expect you to deal your forum members complaints Professionally.

It may be the case in the past that you have been able to ignore individual members complaints, writing them off as childish or a clash of personalities, or at most playground tactics In this instance that will NOT be an option.

If you had moderated this forum properly, you would have been aware of the undercurrent, and the provoking behaviour of this individual, and not disappointed everybody by your failed grasp of the situation and wrong censuring of a victim of this horror of an individual.

I will be away for the rest of the day, but look forward to reading your email on my return

  • Here here!!



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • You could try leaving a message on one of the board moderators' pages? Here's LRB's (the first one I happened to find): Hope the problem can be dealt with in a trauma-free manner :(

  • Agree,not all good eggs are good.Totally getting out of hand regarding manic posting and a lot of us are fed up.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Dear Moderators 

    Could we please get this sorted out now.

    It has been going on for some time now and is having an impact on individuals and the forum.

    Thank you




    "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • I'm with you Rhona. I'm getting heartily sick of it but I suspect it may not be easy to stop. I live in hope.




    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hear, hear.

    Please moderators, listen to us. We have a troll amongst us who is spoiling it for everyone.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • May I add my support to this request. I know I do not post as much as many on here although I read a lot, but I really enjoy this forum. It is the only one I have ever joined.

    We can learn so much, share our experiences and also indulge in some very welcome light hearted banter. This unpleasantness has gone on too long and needs sorting out. I actually avoided signing in and posting for a few days hoping it would all settle down.

    Thank you.  :-)

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 24/07/2010 17:02 in reply to Goldcrest

    Thank you everybody, I am relatively new here, but it was quickly apparent that this individual was nothing short of a bully, who even tried to bully me ( tut tut ) :)

    I appreciate that the moderators have RSPB duties to carry out,but if they set up a moderated forum, the is MUST BE MODERATED PROPERLY, that way they would be aware of what is going on, and not get the wrong end of the stick and censor a victim of this bully.

    You are right Jef this has gone on far too long. This is not another PLAYGROUND tactic, but a genuine response by  intelligent rational individuals who are not to be patronised by moderators, and treated like small children.

  • Hi Rhona

    I have just put a request on Val O's page.... you get to it by going to my page and following my comment link to Val's page.

    I am also very new to this forum and have spent 3 out of the 5 weeks since  joining trying to manage the impact of this person.

     I came very close to leaving but would miss having contact with all the other lovely people on here and the education the site provides those of us who love birds..

    I have commented on Val's page as this thread could be missed

    I hope a solution that is ok for everyone is now found


    "out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there"   Rumi

  • What a splendid thread.. As a new member to this forum, this behaviour has become quickly apparent to me as well. It should not be allowed to continue.
