More problems uploading photos

I noticed that Noisette couldn't upload photos.

I've tried and get the same error message even with the tiniest file.

I'd upload the screenshot but I can't. Please MrsT or one of the other Mods crack the whip with the web team. This is getting beyond a joke.



My Flickr Photostream 

  • Ben it seams I need to take this higher up than the Mods

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Limpy,

    I am sorry you feel like this because essentially this problem will only get fixed as and when it technically can. If the team working on fixing it genuinely cannot fix it any quicker than they are already doing then taking the issue higher will not speed things up.

    I am doing all I can to respond to all of the posts here inbetween doing my day job and I am sure everyone associated working with fixing this problem is doing all they can too to get it sorted.

    But, I cannot do anymore than I am doing and nor can they and it will be sorted as soon as possible.

    Kind Regards,


  • Just checking whether I can upload from Photobucket...

    ETA - yes :) 

    While it's very nice to have the means to upload photos directly, most other forums I use have never had this facility, and all pics have to be hotlinked from another online host - Photobucket is one of several sites that are really designed for this kind of use so it all works quite intuitively. It's useful to keep this in mind as an alternative option when the Community website is having one of its moments...

  • Looks like you can Aiki and what a nice picture it is too :)

  • Thanks MrsT. That's Spot, a foster rescue kitten I had recently, who is now happily living in his forever home :)

  • Hi all,

    Bit of an update for you, the technical team have this morning managed to trace an error to the point where the Preview is trying to load. This error is now being investigated by the software supplier support team. Again, we are treating this with urgency and will update you later this afternoon so you know if this is still being unravelled or whether it is solved.

    Kind Regards,


  • Thank you Ben, much appreciated;  personally I like many folk would prefer regular short updates at least twice a day, as has happened today (when time allows for updates between your other jobs) even if there is no real news to tell so at least we are kept in the loop.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazy, I will do my very best to provide updates as often as I can and when it is needed, I agree that maybe at the end of each day it would be good for an update even if there is no new news and will try my best to do this.

    Kind Regards,


  • Thank you Ben, I know the buddies would appreciate that very much, as do I.  Thank you again for your efforts.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Bob, just to let you know I have removed the e-mail addresses from here, by all means people can contact these staff members and we are not trying to prevent that but if the e-mail addresses are here on a public forum they are open to being seriously spammed by those that use that scour the internet with the intent on finding e-mailing addressed and causing serious spam issues. I hope you understand.

    Kind Regards,
