NEW: Community Issues

Good morning everyone,

Apologies for the radio silence from myself, I have unfortunately been unwell, however I have been keeping an eye on the upgrade thread.

As promised, I am starting a new thread to take over from the previous one. Hopefully this one behaves itself as it should do and it doesn't cause individuals to be signed out. 

I will work through the previous thread to collate any additional issues that have been raised and aim to come back to you as soon as possible with an update. Please do bear with me.

Thank you - Kylie

  • That is what I feared. It has happened every time with upgrades in recent years. Corresponding to members of this forum and then eternal silence about this until the next upgrade whenever that is. Although the corresponding from the RSPB lasted longer this time, but now. It seems to have stopped. If we don’t hear any more. I would suggest any RSPB members on this forum put the same question to the RSPB’s AGM this Autumn. Only RSPB members can register for the RSPB’s online AGM and ask the same question about this upgrade unless we hear from the RSPB on this forum before the AGM. Kylie who regularly replied of which no more information from her for a long period, but has been seen online without replying to anyone.



  • Who knows. That has happened before!



  • The cynic in me says that the 'upgrade' has been deemed a success.

    It was deemed a success on day one , everything else has just been a minor teething problem. Otherwise they would have issued an apology. 


    Well if that’s the case why not put questions on how you feel about this at the 2024 RSPB’s AGM later this year. It’s practically impossible to put any motion forward at the RSPB’s AGM. I’ve never seen any motion discussed and voted on in any way. Compare that to the National Trust, where members motions are discussed and voted on every year, although not mandatory for the management of the National Trust to accept the result if any members motions get passed with a majority.The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust again nearly impossible to have any motions discussed and voted on. The smaller county wildlife trust you do more say depending on your county wildlife trust. You have to be a member of the RSPB to register and ask questions at the RSPB’s AGM. So for any forum members who are not RSPB members. Sadly you won’t be able to register or ask any questions. The AGM is probably the best place to ask and put your concerns to the RSPB’s management on how you feel. The more RSPB members to put there concerns about the RSPB Community Forum the better!



  • It’s practically impossible to put any motion forward at the RSPB’s AGM. I’ve never seen any motion discussed and voted on in any way.

    That makes the AGM a pretty useful meeting doen't it.

    So for any forum members who are not RSPB members. Sadly you won’t be able to register or ask any questions.

    As you well know I am not an RSPB member and have not been since the Community Upgrade of about 10-12 years ago.

    The AGM is probably the best place to ask and put your concerns to the RSPB’s management on how you feel.

    Seems to be little point if there will be no discussion.

    Also worth remembering that RSPB welcome non members onto their Fora and Facebook pages yet on neither do they do much in the way of moderation of any kind. They seem more interested in the number of users rather than the quality of service to their members. They don't even respond to wildlife related questions on these Fora, leaving it to (hopefully) knowledgeable forum Members to respond to the general public at large- even in what are clearly wildlife welfare related issues. 

    • You have now to register to take part and able to see and watch the AGM by putting your membership number. Then the RSPB can check and then the RSPB can check each person that registers is an RSPB member members and check there address and and every members age  so that only RSPB members taking part are 18 years and  over! Anyone  can watch a full recording after the live online AGM broadcast . If you are not  a member and want to take part then join the RSPB and become a member. Why should non-members be able  to take part. Other organisations are just the same! I know about Facebook and twitter now x. But that is not the AGM. You can ask management questions at the AGM.So for anyone who wants  to take part. In the AGM  Become on RSPB member!



  • Morning all

    DARE I speak to soon.. Thank you Team.

    Tis 1st Month and we can move around and reply as normal Yay!!!Fantastic..........