NEW: Community Issues

Good morning everyone,

Apologies for the radio silence from myself, I have unfortunately been unwell, however I have been keeping an eye on the upgrade thread.

As promised, I am starting a new thread to take over from the previous one. Hopefully this one behaves itself as it should do and it doesn't cause individuals to be signed out. 

I will work through the previous thread to collate any additional issues that have been raised and aim to come back to you as soon as possible with an update. Please do bear with me.

Thank you - Kylie

  • Thank you Wendy for new thread link..


  • have just discovered another issue which I can't remember being raised

    Just trying the quote to see what happens for me. Looks okay so far, now going to post.

    Worked fine!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I am still having issues with going back on page numbers, still frequently doesn't work on random threads!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:

    I am still having issues with going back on page numbers, still frequently doesn't work on random threads!


    Same with me, but on ALL threads.

    I'll also add, the back arrow on the browser page  doesn't work either, almost like going back a page is locked.

    Browsers affected:

    • Edge
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
  • .

    Mike B said:
    I'll also add, the back arrow on the browser page  doesn't work either, almost like going back a page is locked.

    I just tested that and it worked OK in up-to-date Firefox.  And, as you can see, the Quote just worked fine - that's a random problem, as is clicking Reply to a post and getting the Reply box already filled in quoting that post.

    The fact that so many problems occur randomly must surely make their causes very difficult to identify and therefore solve.  I don't envy the techies.

  • scylla said:


    Mike B said:
    I'll also add, the back arrow on the browser page  doesn't work either, almost like going back a page is locked.

    I just tested that and it worked OK in up-to-date Firefox.  And, as you can see, the Quote just worked fine - that's a random problem, as is clicking Reply to a post and getting the Reply box already filled in quoting that post.

    The fact that so many problems occur randomly must surely make their causes very difficult to identify and therefore solve.  I don't envy the techies.

    It is very random, I didn't have the page back issue when it was first mentioned, on pre-software update posts or later.

  • .


    It was gone 2 o'clock in the morning on 01 May when I posted this:

    And please mey I remind you of the painfully small font in the reply boxes when we are typing.

  • 1st of the Month and no Blips Yay! Thank you Team


  • I still cant use the dimension box on my i pad.  if it wasnt meant to disappear on other devices the function shouldnt of   disappeared on the i pad  in the first place. i prefer to use my phone for phone stuff and i pad for sendimg photos mainly and I transfer my photos from my m6 camara to my i pad then add them to a comment. im only useing the commemt sections for photos specificsly at the moment rather thsn making threads until that seperate thread issue has been looked into and fixed for now but I do use that section alot when doing wildlife yearly threads and adding to other year threads and I make it a priority for the photo to be the correct size for both me, my device and other people. at the moment the photos are two big and i need to adjust the size aswell as the width and other things on my photos so that they arnt too big or too small for my screen not just for me and other people and i prefer to make sure it is the correct size before I send my photos and in order to do that this odd Dimensions issue that is i pad specific needs to be fixed. as i have said on lots of ocasions im grateful for your support and feedback but this is a new issue and needs to be adressed and dealt with so I hope you can fix this issue 

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    SunnyKate2 said:

    1st of the Month and no Blips Yay! Thank you Team

    I fear it means they simply didn't do a "check-up", or whatever system work they normally do on the first of every month, maybe because it's in such a state of flux.  We shall see...