Blue tits

My bird house has been populated by a pair of blue tits, for the past four days I have seen no visits eventhough they were visiting regularly before that as I photograph them from a distance. Today I opened the roof and discovered 7 brood in the nest all dead. I am gutted and need to know what may have happened. I have had successful broods for four years 

  • Hi Mike sorry nobody has got back to you yet but its a busy time and there are always many questions on this subject. The parents may have been taken by a predator and thats why they havent returned...could be several reasons but will remain a mystery am afraid ,as for opening the roof of the box, it is actually unlawful to interfere with any nest. No nest should be touched until the end of the breeding season(end of August/beginning of September) even if it contains dead chicks.

    Kind regards

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)