Community Updates - February 2019

Hello all,

Sorry for not updating anything recently on the Community - a lot of the team have been very busy with Big Garden Birdwatch.

However, our team of web developers have been busy making some improvements based on what you've been asking us. In this update we've been focusing on the layout of the forum posts. In the next 24 hours, you'll see the following changes:

  • Pagination - We have now added pagination, which lets you skip forward or back either a page at a time, or to the beginning or end of a thread immediately.
  • Discussion order - Adding pagination has allowed us to reverse the thread order, which is the other big change many of you have been asking for, so the oldest posts appear first and the newest appear last. Without pagination we had switched this around this to make it easier to see the latest posts but have now switched it back which should make it easier to follow the flow of a thread. 

There are also some smaller changes to the layout of the posts themselves and the reply function.

  • Quoting - The biggest of these changes is probably how quoting works; the drag-to-quote feature has been replaced with a simpler system, similar to how it used to be.

If you want to quote on a previous post, then:

  • Click on the ‘Reply’ button beneath that post which opens the reply box
  • Then click on the ‘Use rich formatting’ link which will take you to a new page with all the advanced layout options
  • Beneath the original post is a link to ‘Quote’. Click this and the quoted post appears in the text box for you

Many thanks for your ongoing feedback - we are working through all the great ideas for improving your Community experience as quickly as we can.


p.s. I also know there are a few concerns with the current rate of Moderation within the Community - this is being looked at and I hope to be able to update you further in the coming days.

  • OG here again

    ALAN - each using our own PC - and never both trying to sign in at the same time!

    TEEJAY - thanks. Now going to try to forget about it before bedtime or I shall be worrying about it all night yet again!
  • Hello Elliot, you may have read on another thread about the slow speed on the community today. I noticed this first around mid morning, but this evening it is painfully slow! We have noticed that our own download speeds have not been affected, mine in fact was slightly higher. Some are having problems with connections, logging on and messages. Any ideas? What can be done? Thanks.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • First impressions are the improvements are slowly working their way through, and it seems more fluid to use.

    However, the "Insert Image/Video File"is still very user unfriendly.

  • Two other things that are a nuisance:

    I'm having to sign in at least once a day - that seems a recent "bug".

    The Rich Formatting link still not fixed.
  • I'm still having issues with replying generally, either using plain or rich text, no matter which browser I use.
  • It's the "Use rich formatting" after the last post that doesn't work. You'd think it was an easy fix but it seems not.
    There is a workaround. If you post a single letter in the normal reply box you can then edit your post using RF. We really shouldn't have to be doing this.



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  • Alan, while I've no videos on Flickr, it's not an issue I've noticed, though I have noticed quite a few niggles since Oath took control from Yahoo, Logging in is fraught with "user not recognised" and even I cannot log out, no matter what browser I'm using.

    But that is there, as for here, I run a lean pc, keeping it clear of a lot of unnecessary files, I always have done, so that is not the answer.

    There is definitely an issue with using MS Edge, but to be fair MS Edge has issues with most sites, so I'll blame Mr Gates' team for that.

    Something else that seems to be creeping in slowly, Mr Google seems to be making things slower with browsers other than it's own Chrome.

    Is it a sign of the times, where we need a browser or app for each individual operation!

    After all, mobile devices have practically gone down that road.....

    And I mistaken believed computers would make things easier! Oh what a fool I've been.... :-D
  • Shambles is what I'd call this Forum. P45's spring to mind. I don't have videos on Flickr but I've noticed it's been getting a bit cranky.

    I've not heard of Oath. I thought it was SmugMug that took over from Yahoo.They are Smug and we're the Mugs.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • So I see. I thought it was behaving oddly Seems it's not just the RSPB that can mess up.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:

    Shambles is what I'd call this Forum. P45's .spring to mind

    More like a bus pass it might go faster Tony lol


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