• Sorry to hear about your wife havng problems logging in Eagle Eye, it is always a pain when something just stops working!  If it is any help, go to the top of the page and hit Main Website, scroll down to the bottom of that page and you will see, on the left hand side, Contact us, in there you will find email address and telephone numbers. You may have already found this, good luck.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • It may just be a typo but that doesn't look like a valid email address. Are you sure it isn't "@btinternet.com". In any case it's not advisable to put your email address on an open forum like this. It could attract all sorts of spam.

    Try phoning the number or emailing the contacts below to see if they can sort it out for you.

    Membership Enquiries line on 01767 693 680 or e-mail membership@rspb.org.uk.



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