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Community upgrade is live!

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience over the last week or so while the community has been in lockdown. Good news – the upgrade has now been implemented and you’re free to start commenting and posting across the community again.

With the upgrade I’m sure you’ll notice quickly that there are some minor differences in how you find and create posts, please give it a bit of time to get used to it. To help we’re producing some step by step guides about the most commonly used feature’s on here which will be posted in this thread as well. We're hoping to have these live by the end of the week.

While the community has been thoroughly checked we’re sure that the eagle-eyed amongst you will find some issues so please if you do find any errors drop them in this thread that we’ll be moderating to make sure any issues are picked up on and corrected asap.

We know you’ve been keen to get some new features on the community as part of the upgrade and I have some news on that as well.

  • So you should now find that as standard all users have permission to format their posts, something I’m sure you’ll all agree has been sorely missing.
  • We have also figured out a way that you can upload multiple images at once within forum posts and comments. This isn’t a perfect solution and we’ll likely be doing some work to make it much more user friendly for you all in the future, but in the mean time I’ll be posting a how to guide for this within this forum soon.

Thanks again for the enthusiasm and support, we hope you like it.

RSPB Digital Team

  • I think London/Dublin/Casablanca are all the same time zone, that's how it appears on my Panasonic camera settings. 

  • It really is a shame that once again the people that have been using these forums for years wasn't asked for ideas.

    I've said the same in different words, Alan.  It shows arrogance and disdain that such a fundamental, alien, Gordian, unfit change would be made with no involvement of users.

  • I am concerned at the growing number of members, true ladies and gentlemen that they are, who are shouldering the blame for their difficulty with the faint (with no E!) font, confessing to being "old fogeys".

    Here is a comparison: our font vs the one quite recently adopted by DigitalSpy, the sample is taken from their Gaming category, Steam section.  (Double-dutch?  Suffice to say that old fogeys are rare in that world.)

  • Yay!  The huge Donate and Join block on the Community header has gone and can be found under 'More' on the top right side.
    I have seen a post which is very helpful (Gardenbirder posted, but I'm not sure where!):

    Clicking on the RSPB Avocet Giving Nature a Home logo in the upper left corner on the blue bar will take you back to the community home page

    To go to the main RSPB website home page, click on 'Main website' in the upper right of the page.

    I have found that if you are in LG ospreys, click on the osprey photo at the top, under Wildlife, will give you the LG active threads.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • The join and donate block is still showing on my header

    Richard B

  • still showing on my header too


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It hasn't disappeared from mine either.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Well I have just got onto this "new" site tonight and thought it was on another planet,my true thoughts would get me banned for life !!!. Some of the problems may be down to the settings  on my laptop, very small print and very indistinct text against the background but things work on other sites and worked on the old set up so why not on here ? I will not be daft enough to say I will not use the site until it is changed because a) I like to know what is going on because I am a nosy beggar and b) I doubt the techos will redo all their work on our say so. I will say it is a heck of a lot faster than it was and it is good to see a lot of old names are still around,no doubt we will get used to it,we usually do.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • And another thing I was thinking !!! Open mouth

    It's quite understandable that many Community members who are not wedded to the LG Osprey threads are frustrated and inconvenienced by the sheer number of Osprey topics almost monopolising the Latest forum posts.

    Why not have a single title for LG Ospreys, which would be bold if there were new posts within (which there would be, more often than not), and give us Osprey devotees just one extra click to see our own latest posts.

    Something like this, leaving spaces for more titles on other categories:


  • In this new format, I'd love to have seen a 'mark as last read post' function. Very helpful on posts with a high number of replies. Also either a button to navigate quickly to the top of page, or have the main reply button in the drop down menu at the top. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.