Former Policeman Found Guilty of Stealing Rare Eggs

Yes another sickening case of an egg thief. However unusually the perpetrator was a policeman.


See report here


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  • Hang him, take away his pension, and before that cut of his hands, this is one of the worst cases of egg stealing I have heard of.

    To each their own

  • What happened to the days when you could trust a policeman ? Every day there's another in the news for committing some offence or another.

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  • It somehow seems worse when it's an officer of the law doing this sort of thing. I guess there are rotten apples in all walks of life.

    Maximum sentence is 6 months in prison but I expect he'll just get a fine and community service.



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  • For the record, his name is Michael Upson

  • Unknown said:

    It somehow seems worse when it's an officer of the law doing this sort of thing. I guess there are rotten apples in all walks of life.

    Maximum sentence is 6 months in prison but I expect he'll just get a fine and community service.

    Everything you say TJ is so true. I hope he wasn't a wildlife protection officer !!

  • I'm absolutely horrified he's from Suffolk - how much of our local bird life has he destroyed with his dreadful actions?  Chain up this individual on the cliff top at Dunwich and let the elements do the rest.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Mate of mine gave the `hobby` up coz he thought it wasnt such a bright idea.He`d not long turned ten year old.

  • Unknown said:

    It somehow seems worse when it's an officer of the law doing this sort of thing. I guess there are rotten apples in all walks of life.

    Maximum sentence is 6 months in prison but I expect he'll just get a fine and community service.

    Everything you say TJ is so true. I hope he wasn't a wildlife protection officer !!


    I totally agree with both of you.

    The maximum sentence is 6 months for each offence and that could mean each egg  but I doubt it somehow.

    I also hope he wasn't a Wildlife Officer, it took a long time to build up any Police Wildlife involvement.  Hope this doesn't break that down.

  • Well he was on the look out for egg collectors


    In a diary of his finds, he wrote: "Later in the morning
    I had to pick up a colleague. Whilst idly chatting he happened to mention a car
    number to look out for - the car contained suspected egg collectors!

    "He had seen it on the computer… Little did he know what the gloves in my
    jacket pocket on the back seat contained!"


    from here

  • How many times do we hear of people in positions of 'trust', in all walks of life, abusing what that word stands for. It really is sickening to the nth degree.

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