Wildfires next to the Amazon Basin

Dear wildlife lovers community,


My name is Natalia Pabon, and I raising funds to help animals in need due to the devastating fires in La Chiquitania, an area in Bolivia next to the Amazon basin and home to thousands of species.


I started a Go Fund Me page and I would like to share my story and get as much support as possible to provide food and water to those little creatures in need. Me and my husband go to the affected areas every weekend and all words fall short to describe the devastating effects of fires, not even Dante can portray the horrors we witnessed.


Bolivia is facing an economic and political crisis; therefore, biodiversity and conservation is not a priority. Already almost 5 million hectares have been burned over more than two months, and besides not having enough firefighters, they lack basic equipment, such as goggles, face masks, eye drops, and hydrating salts. People from local communities are fighting the fires by digging trenches with shovels and some borrowed tractors from landowners and other communities. They work without rest risking their lives to save their ecosystem. It is the same local communities who make sure the surviving animals get some water and food. On the other hand, all water sources have dried up and all food sources are burned. Our work is without rest to ensure those animals survive. With the funds we raise we want to provide long lasting care and solutions to some areas, like planting local trees and work with experts to restore water sources.


More details about my experience are in the link of my Go Fund Me campaign, I encourage you to read it.


I understand there are a lot of devastating events worldwide, and this is one of them, so I am counting on you!


Thank you once again!
