Human Beings against the rest

I'm not getting embroiled in the Badger Cull as I know too little about the subject

What I am interested in is what we Humans do to other Humans and the rest of the creatures on this planet

We fight, kill and maim each other and if that is not enough we then have to bring out laws to kill and maim the creatures on this planet, I thought we were supposed to be the educated animal here. We seem to want to kill badgers, foxes, squirrels, ruddy ducks, wood pigeons and cormorants and probably a host of other living things, why?

Who are we to decide such matters???????? The people we elect to Parliament, I have no idea who elects a judge, maybe it is another judge or a panel of judges, but who elects them?

Why do we humans not pause for breath, count to ten and then find out what OUR problems are, not what the problems are of our furry friends

I was brought up in the UK countryside before the advent of WWII what on earth is happening to this once great country of ours, someone GET A GRIP!!

  • Who on earth knows the answer to that one?  I think we, as a species, tend to try to avoid looking at ourselves when it comes to apportioning blame.  Saying that, though, some things have improved since your youth - caring about birds and wildlife is no longer considered weird and egg collecting is far from an acceptable hobby now.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • That is true Clare as I was one of those, regretfully now, that had a shoebox of birds eggs laid on cottonwool and I'm ever grateful that such laws have been passed in securing a future for the birds and organisations, such as the RSPB, in helping to reintroduce those 'lost' species to the UK

    A very good friend of mine used to shoot 'game' birds for sport, I once said to him 'here am I feeding them and you killing them' he doesn't do this now, I'm unsure as to the reason. Who are we as intellectual beings to be able to do this?

    Wasn't it GBS who wrote 'When a man kills a Tiger its called sport, and when a Tiger kills a man we call it ferocity'

  • Animal welfare has improved a million per cent in this country, whether it be birds, farm animals, wildlife, dogs, horses or anything else, and it is all legislated for. We can be fined or imprisoned for breaking these animal welfare laws. There is still a long way to go, but at least we are on our way to getting it right.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thats is so sad. Like they said  humans are violent by nature.

    MSPA Elegance, Blue Sea Portable Spas, Hot tub and Pool Chemicals Catered for Hot Tub and Pool Owners.

  • As the dominant species on the planet we should be the custodians of our environment and act as ethically as possible. Natural development of human kind means we make mistakes and the past it full of them however we can't change what's been done so we have to look forward and do the best we can.

    Unfortunately there is still a large percentage who believe that the environment and wildlife is only a good thing when it doesn't come into conflict with their profit margins or or ideals and should be shaped or destroyed as they see fit regardless of the wider outcome. This is a world wide issue and should be actively campaigned against via all legal methods.

    In this country we have the issue of some land owners/managers thinking they can largely do what they like without repercussions and again our wild life has suffered. Look at the failure of our raptors in certain parts of the country and the desire for some to bring back hunting with dogs (not that it's ever really gone away) and the recent Badger issue. Antiquated traditions are not an excuse. Some people just enjoy killing things in the name of sport.

    Sometimes some kind of management has to take place, as most of the apex predators have been removed we now have to step into that void for the good of the prey species as a whole and however unpleasant that may be it has to be done.

  • Sooty, that discussion has been and gone. Move on.

  • Chaps, it's not the place to start this off again, if you want to discuss the ins and outs of the badger cull again, do so on the thread where that is the main focus please.

    Thank you.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.