Urgent.  Urgent.  Urgent.  Hello there, This article was brought to my attention about chemicals killing bees The chemicals are banned in Germany where the company's headquarters are but that has not stopped them selling them to other countries. We all know that without the bees, who do most of the pollination work, we and our birds will be in dire straights. Avaas presented a petition to the shareholders to ask them to stop selling these particularly nasty chemicals but that fell on deaf ears. They're now hoping to get as many signatures as possible to take the petition to the board and maybe government for legislation if it has to be. They have been successful against many similar injustices, even Al Gore has commented on their past successes. The little bees don't have a voice so its up to us to tell the big B's to stop killing the bees. Please, it will only take a minute of your time to support this crew that care enough to do something about it. It would be wonderful if you could also circulate this to like minded friends as soon as possible as together we can make a difference, if we pull together. on behalf of bees everywhere, I thank you. X
  • So sorry, don't know how I managed to miss the other thread, I'm knew. It's just worrying that four other countries have banned these chemicals and meanwhile, as always we have an enquiry and talk it to death. We seem to err on the side of big business and big farmer a little to often. I'm with Hyppocrates - "first do no harm" something our scientific community need to learn.