government alterations to wildlife and countryside act

hi people

i've just had this email i thought i would share with you..

On Monday, it was revealed that the government might scrap vital laws which protect wildlife and the countryside and help stop climate change. Hardliners have branded the rules ‘red tape’ and say they could be scrapped within months. [1]

We need to work together to make sure our wildlife, our countryside and our planet are protected.

In the past, David Cameron has made headlines promising to run "the greenest government ever". [2] We need to convince him that scrapping these laws would be a disaster for his reputation. A huge petition will prove to Cameron that he can't afford to break his green promises.

Please take 30 seconds to speak up for legal protection for wildlife and the environment:

Among the laws under threat are the Climate Change Act and the Wildlife and Countryside Act. These aren’t little-known laws that no one cares about. The Wildlife and Countryside Act protects wild birds, their nests and eggs, and makes sure that national parks and marine reserves are protected. The UK’s Climate Change Act was a world first which helps make sure we reduce our emissions. [3]

We know that when we work together we can make sure the government doesn’t get away with plans which could hurt the environment. When they decided to try to sell off our forests, over half a million of us got together and convinced them to drop their plans. [4]

The government says it is "consulting" before scrapping these laws - so let's give them a consultation response they can't ignore! Please help make sure we have a huge petition telling the government to keep laws which protect our wildlife and our environment.

Sign the petition to send a powerful message to David Cameron and the government:

at the minute i havn't gone into it to see whats involved so i dont want to start an arguement among members it's just for information


  • Ian H said:

    Thank you for all of your interest on this topic and thanks again to Doggie for bringing it to everyones attention.

    As promised the RSPB has taken up the gauntlet on the red tape challenge and we have now put together an e-action under the title 'Some cuts never heal', it would be great if you could participate with our campaign as well as the actions you have already taken. Please click here and you will be taken to our webpage where we have an  e-mail form to send a message to the Rt Hon Dr Vince Cable MP who is responsible for the 'red tape challenge' initiative.

    Thanks once again for your time and interest in saving nature.

    Sent that too :-)

    The very adding of things like the Wildlife and Countryside Act, and the Marine Act that is still in it's infancy and was fought to get for years, shows a distinct lack of common sense in choosing what should be up for cuts consultation.  To even consider these is an insult to those who fought and campaigned hard to get them put in place - not only the general public but the politicians that supported them.  They are not trivial pieces of legislation - they are the vital safeguards that out environment and wildlife needs to protect them from ruthless exploitation - which is exactly what will happen if the legislation is ditched.  How many developers, oil companies etc are rubbing their hands in glee at the thought of being able to snap up some prime habitats for their own financial gain without a care for what they destroy in the process?


  • Well said Kat.

    I've signed both too. Big business will never look beyond the interest of it's bank balance, and thank goodness we have organisations that are on the watch for short-sighted proposals like this. Some "green" government!!

    A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

  • You may be interested to read the latest post on our Saving special places blog, any comments of support on there would be much appreciated and please pass this on to any friends or family that care for nature!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Pleased to see that the RSPB, as usual, is getting stuck into this one,it's just as important as the reserves that we all love to visit


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Unknown said:

    Can I just point out, that as well as the petition run by 38 Degrees, the official public consultation process is currently going on, here. This page explains the concept of the Red Tape Challenge.   

    Even if you think the idea of putting laws which protect wildlife and the countryside up for review by the public is totally misguided, this is another opportunity to express your views (hint).   


    Done :0)



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Bringing this topic up to the front are the key links if you want to express your views on this:

    RSPB e-action form

    Government - Red Tape challenge feedback page

    38 Degrees Petition 

  • i have sent the online email and also emailed my mp - he states hes interested in rural issues and the environment so i also included this:


    "This is particularly important in this beautiful semi rural community which suffers from the barbaric practice of hare coursing - recently marked by Wilts Police as a priority for them in XXXXXX.Its hard enough for the boys in blue to get any convictions at the moment without the powers being withdrawn.
    I am also very concerned that this news suddenly appeared in the Guardian newspaper which seemed to be a leak rather than a public announcement of such important policy change. A google search does not pull up any gov't announcement - only other sources.
    I am really rather concerned and would like to know your stance on this."
    my personal take but i feel so important for this locale
    I wonder if he will reply?

  • Unknown said:

    I do not believe this is the purpose or proper use of this forum!



    i've reported myself to the mods so they will have a look

    if anyone else feels like this please ignore this thread



    Hi Alan, have only just picked up on this thread. I'm with you 100 %. All wildlife lovers need to know about these things. Received an e.mail from RSPB this morning about same thing and have sent it off to Vince Cable.

    We should all join together on this one.




    Let not your heart be troubled

  • Just signed up on all three campaigns. This is potentially a HUGE turning point in the wrong direction. It is vital than we all speak out - even more than we did regarding the forest sell off.
