bird protection

hi i found a sight for birds in north wales curruntly holding a vast number of birds its a 108 acre siht on the industrial estate owned by the welsh devlopment agency there is a host of animals including foxes and cubs seen 2night and reported sightings of great crested newts some of the birds r grass hopper warbler ceties warbler 2 present cookoos got the pics to prove it white throat and lesser white throat seen myself a list here of what others have seen
Cuckoo    2
Willow Warbler   c40
Carrion Crow
Black Headed Gull  -  over
Herring Gull   - over
Great Black Backed Gull  - over
Lesser Black Backed Gull - over
Song Thrush     8
Common Whitethroat     c20
Sedge Warbler    c40
Chiffchaff   c30
Linnet   4
Blue Tit
Goldfinch   c10
Dunnock    7
Green Woodpecker
Great Tit
Swallow  3   -  over
Kestrel    2   -  over
Blackcap    18
Swift    5    -  over
Buzzard   2   -  over
Sparrowhawk  - over
House Martin   12  -   over
Sand Martin   3   -   over
Lesser Whitethroat    3
Wheatear   2  -  over
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Jackdaw  c10   -   over
Skylark   2   -  over

this particular sight is being considerd as a sight for a prison there r signs saying no trespassing but only mensions motor veichals not walking what can i do to help these birds and stop there habitat being potentialy destroyed

  • Hi Jon and Karen,

    Unfortunately in the UK there are many really excellent sites for wildlife that are not offered any formal protection (they are not a designated SSSI, nature reserve etc), if they are owned by someone and that person wants to sell for development the site can then be developed.

    In terms of birds they are offered protection when nesting, it would be a criminal offence to intentionally take, damage or destroy a nest so the work would have to be put on hold, but outside of the nesting season the work could then continue.

    Bats, Badgers and Great Crested Newts offer sites far more protection than birds, if there is a pond containing GC Newts, a bat roost or badger sett then these can sometimes completely stop development from happening. It might be worth speaking to:

    Bat Conservation:

    Amphibian and Reptile Conservation:

    And this section of our wesbite about protecting a wildlife site near you is also worth looking at:

    Hope this helps!