Well since I've posted photos of some "exotic" lizards, thought it is only fair to balance it out with some photos of two of our native lizards! They were all found on a walk up Goat Fell on the lovely Island of Arran. The common lizards were almost basking on the footpath and I managed to get very close to them, the slowworm (which is also a lizard, not a snake) was basking in the undergrowth and I never managed to get a photo with this ones head, it did have a head though I promise!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Brilliant Photo's Kat, I'm sure you'll get one of the Slow worm's head next time!!
Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
Hi KatTai, and thanks for sharing these photos. They are lovely.
I am struck by the similarity of the head of the common lizzard to tortoise heads. I find them very appealing.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Sadly haven't found any slow worms or common lizards since, I know they are around but I just can't find them!
Another excellent set of pics Kat! Years since I've seen a slow worm!
Here's a scan of a print I took many years ago! I sat cross legged at the edge of a (fortunately very quiet) road in the Alps as I'd seen a European green lizard disappear down a hole there! My patience was finally rewarded (after a dead bottom, pins & needles in my legs and ant bites through not daring to move) as it eventually crept back out and I got some nice pics as I was just a few feet away!
Oh I can't work out how to make the photo show directly...
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Rockwolf said: Another excellent set of pics Kat! Years since I've seen a slow worm! Here's a scan of a print I took many years ago! I sat cross legged at the edge of a (fortunately very quiet) road in the Alps as I'd seen a European green lizard disappear down a hole there! My patience was finally rewarded (after a dead bottom, pins & needles in my legs and ant bites through not daring to move) as it eventually crept back out and I got some nice pics as I was just a few feet away! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2611/4157880202_aba286b505.jpg Oh I can't work out how to make the photo show directly...
What a beautiful lizard! It was certainly well-worth the wait!
Great photos Kat and MarJus. Admire your patience MarJus. My siste-in- law always seems to have slow worms in her main compost heap, so we have to be careful when turning the compost !