In need of help what is the best way to locate a kingfisher i wish to take a few pictures I've done the walks around the local lakes and along the river stour ashford area with no joy if anyone could give me a few pointers I would be greatfull
If you know an area they have been sighted, get to somewhere with a wide expanse of view, and wait. Look for low-ish branches with most bird poo on, as they often have preferred perches to hunt from,so return to the same ones, and then wait. Listen as well as look, as I've often heard our local ones before I see them, and (you guessed it) wait Patience is key.... oh.... and be ready for when they do flash by! Good luck
I’ve seen Kingfishers all of my liife and there is even a well known place where families with young children have seen Kingfishers for the first time very locally to where i live. Such as this photo below. But the advice given above before my post is well given. This photo below have not as yet tranfered from my camera to my computer or iPad. Just for speed after taken with my camera, I just took with my iPhone a photo from the screen of my camera of the Kingfisher