Hi to all. I'm heading up to Invarary for a weekend break on Friday. Does anyone know of any good spots to try. Are there any bird sanctuaries nearby? Any rarities to look our for? Would appreciate any input.
Regards Scruff
this question probably better posted in WTW wildlife forum
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Sorry didn't realise
Hi, Argyll has lots of varied habitat, try the Argyll Bird Club website (http://argyllbirdclub.org) for details of places to visit, but just about anything can appear anywhere. Ospreys are fairly regular visitors these days especially at Moine Mhor NNR or Taynish NNR and if your going down that area its worth popping in to see the Beavers at Knapdale.
Scruff said: Sorry didn't realise
Thanks Lyn G for your reply, appreciate it