The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi Squirrel,
They are handsome birds aren't they? I especially like the last one with the water droplets. Excellent shot - well caught!
There is something new to learn everyday...
Great set Squirrel!! Like SB, I love that last one!! Very well caught! Almost looks like the swan is surrounded by a water 'crown'!! Very apt for a regal bird!!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Thanks SB and MarJus. I happened to be watching that last swan and just knew it was going to happen - right time, right place, right lens for once! It was a heck of a belly flop though, any self-respecting and half-way competent diver would have winced. Even I winced and I can't swim!
Hi Squirrel
Your Swan pictures are fabulous, and shows their beauty and grace. {smile}
Swans are just the beautiful birds, and how could one ever tire of them
Oh the positions we adopt for taking shots must be interesting at times .. as long as there are no bruises!
Kathy and Dave
A great set of Swan shots, they are such graceful birds and a pleasure to photograph, although the last shot is not so graceful belly flopping into the water, but an excellent photo.
Thanks Kathy and Gary. I do love photographing swans (well all water birds, really) as the presence of water lends an extra element and photographic opportunity. I was watching that swan simply leaning further and further forwards and was fairly sure some form of water disturbance would occur - so all I had to do was press the button at just the right moment. They are also, if truth be told, not that graceful when flying. Definitely one species where it is plainly obvious that water is their ideal environment.
Thanks Squirrel, I genuinely love your photographs. Excellent. I, also vote for the last one, but I also like No. 1, where you have captured that imperious look that only a swan can truly give.
Brilliant set Squirrel! I must also say the last one is of the highest quality.
John ;-)
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Thanks Brenda and John. I'm pleased you enjoyed them. I'll post up some of the ducks and geese in the next day or two.
Seem to have missed this thread completely!
Lovely shots of the swans, really good catch. Loved the last one.