Gigrin Farm

Near Rhayder, a great place to watch Red Kites. There is a feeding station there and as well as the red kites we're seen ravens (and most other members of the crow family) and buzzards. There are also wildlife walks. Well worth a visit!

Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]

  • Though if you want to see large numbers of kites in a completely natural setting, try coming to Top Lodge this winter! With all due respect to the people at Gigrin (who have done a wonderful job in helping bolster the kite population and popularise it), the feeding times are just a *touch* artificial.

    On the other hand, Top Lodge in Northamptonshire will be running red kite roost walks every Wednesday and Sunday from mid-November until the end of January. You can watch up to 100 kites gather to roost in a completely natural spectacle. No baiting or feeding required. Keep your eye on the Top Lodge pages ( for more details and for how to book. The centre itself is also very pleasant and free to visit for RSPB members. The cafe is excellant! (as my waistline unfiortunately attests)

    Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.

  • Sounds good - we'll try and make a visit to Top Lodge!

    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 09/09/2009 00:26 in reply to Chris Andrews

    Hi Chris

    We will consider a trip to Northampton area.

    We do not live too far away at all.

    Love Kites anyday, and thank you for the suggestion mentioned.


    Kathy and Dave

    Unknown said:

    Though if you want to see large numbers of kites in a completely natural setting, try coming to Top Lodge this winter! With all due respect to the people at Gigrin (who have done a wonderful job in helping bolster the kite population and popularise it), the feeding times are just a *touch* artificial.

    On the other hand, Top Lodge in Northamptonshire will be running red kite roost walks every Wednesday and Sunday from mid-November until the end of January. You can watch up to 100 kites gather to roost in a completely natural spectacle. No baiting or feeding required. Keep your eye on the Top Lodge pages ( for more details and for how to book. The centre itself is also very pleasant and free to visit for RSPB members. The cafe is excellant! (as my waistline unfiortunately attests)