Leighton Moss

I'm thinink of taking a trip up there towards the end of September, wondered if anyone has any tips on what to do, what''s likely top be about etc. Anything at all that might be useful.


  • Hi, have been there a couple of times, last time about 3 weeks ago! Love the place. Saw deer and a bittern lat time and snipe and marsh harrier time before. Plently of hides and lovely walk around and very helpful and friendly people - someone stopped me and pointed out a deadly nightshade - I had never seen one! Hope this helps!

     Tigglet :-)

  • Hi Robin,

    I'll be visiting Leighton Moss for the first time this weekend - I'll let you know how I get on! 

    There's some useful info on the RSPB website on events, what you're likely to see, what the RSPB is doing there to help wildlife, facilities, etc: http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/l/leightonmoss/index.asp


  • Went to Leighton yesterday afternoon, had a great time despite the rain!  The staff and volunteers were very helpful and I had a good chat with two regulars who had seen a bittern that morning; I missed it of course.  There was a volunteer in one of the hides, helping people to see the wildlife and identify it.

    The changeable weather and late time of day didn't make for a great list of sightings, but we still saw gadwall, shoveller, curlew, redshank, greenshank, little egret, buzzard, grey heron, coot, moorhen...  And a few others I forget...  The air over the water was full of sand and house martins, with a few swallows joining in for good measure.  My friend finally joined the RSPB (he's been meaning to for ages); he got a free bird book so we used that to identify a few species we weren't sure about. 

    The treat of the day was a lovely view of two little grebe, diving and preening right in front of the Lower Hide.  Gorgeous little things.  Non-avian sightings included a stoat (always a surprise!), two roe deer, and a speckled wood butterfly (I think).

    Overall a really nice day out.  I'll be going back.  See you there next time!



  • Thaks L,  that's really good, I'll look to get up there as soon as poss. Any other local sites you can recommend?