Chappers Trip to minsmere: The guided tour

Hi all.

Back again with another tale to tell of our/my experiences as a bird watcher. So if your sitting comfortably, I'll begin......It was a cold and dark morning *coughs and splutters* sorry, forgot myself for a moment then.

But enough of the giggles for the moment. Last week I booked myself up for a guided tour of Minsmere wildlife reserve. Having been there about a week and a half ago, both myself and the wife had really enjoyed it (hence why we are now members with the RSPB and thus why I am now speaking to you all...and thats how the world works children...ok home time....hmmmm. I did it again, didn't I) but i didn't really know what I was looking at nor what we could be missing out on.

So today was the day, I dragged myself out of my bed and stared outside at the rather bleak rain soaked garden. Hmmm and I've got to ride my motorbike in that! Great. But gear on, bag packed and 45 minutes later I was there.

Our guide today was a wonderful man called John Grant, who as we (we, meaning the group of 8 people that braved the blustery conditions) learnt later had a passion for Gulls. I'll come back to that later. John took us around the entire of the Scrape walk and into the east, south and west hides. On top of that he also gave us an informative overview of how Minsmere came about and its all thanks to a concrete block (to find out why, your have to take the tour yourself :D)

In the hides we saw a multitude of different birds. It was here that John's passion for Gulls showed its quaility as he found the mediterranean in a sea of black headed gulls very quickly. From gulls to waders, from ducks to geese and alot of things in the middle. Shame no luck with the bittern, but i'll settle for a Little Egrete which we saw crossing the reserve between the sluice and south hide and the Spoonbill which was over in a marshland next to the main reserve. To name but a few of the other birds I saw were:

Lapwings, Great Crested Grebe, Avocets, Oystercatchers, Pintail, Tufted Duck, Snipe, two pairs of Marsh Harriers, Black-tailed Godwit, Mediterranean Gull, Dunnock and Redshank.

I was there 7 hours today and loved every moment of it. My feet ache, my back ache's and I was actually sad to leave.

I have said it before and i'll say it again, if you have not yet been to Minsmere, why the hell not, if its doable. Seriously DO IT! :D

Here's a few of the photo's I feel are worth showing:



Pintail Drake

[Post Note] I have come to the conclusion that this at present is my most favorite bird. Such a handsome chap.





So there we go, Story over and done with. Thanks for reading and here's to the next adventure.


Chappers (minus the Wife.)

'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.

  • Hi Chappers

    Thank you for telling us all about your trip to Minsmere. I wish I had a place like that nearby.

    Your photos are excellent, especially the avocet. I've never seen one of those.

    I shall seriously have to consider going to Minsmere. :-)

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 01/04/2011 21:57 in reply to seymouraves

    seymouraves said:



    one day I may go back to Mins for a day trip- May 10th or so is often a good date- hmm it's a tuesday :)


    Hey Seymour.

    Come and hook up with me and GrahamC for a while. We are going at the end of May.


  • Hi Chappers,

    I've just found this thread and your report on your day at Minsmere!  Very interesting to me, as I am going there for the first time next Saturday!  Love your photos, and hope I have the luck to see some of the same birds!


  • Hi Chappers,

    Nice report and pics, well done, can't wait to make a return visit myself !

    Kind regards,


    "Remove nothing from nature except; Nourishment for the soul; Consolation for the heart; Inspiration for the mind"

    Visit my galleries here.

  • Hi all,

    Thank you for all your lovely comments and its great to hear that people want to either visit or re-visit the reserve.

    Now with that in mind, and I'm only suggesting this cos obviously it might not be possible for all, but what if we actually all plan to met up on a day in may?

    I'm more than willing to be the go between to organise this. But I would like to see what people think first.

    So how about it then? Shall we have a forum met up? Sounds like a corking idea, AND we could make it a thing where we do something like it each year, visiting other area's thanks to other peoples suggestions.

    Come back to us with what you all think? I'll even throw in the food for the day or something like it?


    Chappers (and the Wife.)

    'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.


    Hi- as mentioned b4 I may be going down in mid- May .


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • seymouraves said:


    Hi- as mentioned b4 I may be going down in mid- May .


    Excellent Seymour. There is a possiblility that myself and another member thinking of hooking up in May. Just liked the thought that maybe as we're all talkative forum bashers that we could actually organise a 'get together' as it were. Just think it would be a complete blast.

    But its up to others for me to really be able to start get wheels turning on such an idea.

    So come on people, Good idea, or not? workable or not?


    Chappers (and the Wife.)

    'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 04/04/2011 16:54 in reply to Chappers

    Great report and photos Chappers.

    Brought back fond memories for me. I used to visit Minsmere quite often but havent managed to get there for must be over two years now.


  • Andrewa A said:

    Great report and photos Chappers.

    Brought back fond memories for me. I used to visit Minsmere quite often but havent managed to get there for must be over two years now.


    All the more reason to come along Andrewa. Free in May? :)


    Chappers (and the Wife.)

    'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 04/04/2011 17:20 in reply to Chappers

    I'd love to. Unfortunately I'm not back in the UK until about the third week in June now. Keen to meet up on any trips which may be planned around that time though.
