A few from our local reserves this week

Felixstowe is lucky enough to have two lovely reserves - Landguard and Trimley Marshes, which sit either side of the Port of Felixstowe.  We've visited each of them twice this week, and seen a suitable variety of birds:

I think this blackbird had literally just arrived!  It was sitting quietly, looking fluffed-up and knackered.

It was a bit windy.

A beautifully patterned young herring gull.

We are having a really good autumn where wheatears are concerned - we just keep on seeing them!

It's impossible to get tired of them.

Right, a few from Trimley now:

An obliging little grebe.  I've really missed seeing these - the hide I took this from only reopened this week.

With a suitable fish (looking a bit on the big side!)

A stunning marsh harrier.  It's brilliant to see these so close to home.

A remarkably dignified mallard pair.

Finishing with a herring gull showing off its considerable flight skills.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.