Forest of Dean trip

Had a good week in Gloucs - thanks to those who offered suggestions on where to visit.  New Fancy offered great views and song but sadly was indeed a bit late for the goshawks to show.  Nagshead was a good day - have put some pics on the Nagshead Group 

Had a nice bonus of a pair of goldcrests at Baddesley Clinton where we stopped on the journey out

As MC & Seymour promised Slimbridge was great for pics of the fancy stuff (have to be another thread) but also some good "real" birds that make use of the facilities. 

Shelduck were in and out acting more like hooligan mallards!

rather fewer tufty freeloaders

cute coots!

loadsa rooks

and from the kingfisher hide a sparrowhawk gorging herself on one of the many fat pigeons available (there were several of us in there snapping away furiously!)

The peregrines at Yat Rock were just about showing but not giving photo ops- but this little nuthatch was using the box right above the RSPB scopes and was very good value!

Rarest spot - well most days a cloud was the hardest thing to find.  A great week!