I arrived quite late in he morning as I stopped off to watch Wheatear at a place in Glen Devon that I had been advised was good for Short eared Owl. No luck but the Wheatear were nice!
On arriving I met two other lads armed with camera equipment, they had been up the hill looking for the Owlets but with no look it appeared they had gone deep into the woods. I mentioned how they seemed to be turning back down the hill on my previous visit. They had searched the lower parts with no luck either. I decided to sweep the hill for myself, after about half an hour or so as I was about to give in I stopped and turned for a look back down the hill. There right in front of me no more than six feet away sat, bold as, looking right back at me was the adult just about at my head height. Almost too close for the lens I had on.
I managed to get 6 good shots off before s/he made off. Arcing right and doubling back in the direction I came it flew around 40 yards just out of sight. I went on forward a while thinking s/he may be trying to throw me off, but nothing. I doubled back to where it went and sure enough found it on similar tree at the same height, oddly I thought it sat on the sunnier side of the tree on both. The dark side being back towards the centre where the nest site was. I took up a position half way between the two trees the adult used and turned back down the hill in a straight line to the cafe, It was lunch time! Its quite a steep hill and I hit just about every branch in my way, all the while convinced I would come face to face with the Owlets looking up the hill for sight of the adult, resting out of sight. Just as I was about to give up having no luck and with only two or three trees between me and the cafe, I found them, sat maybe twenty feet from where I had met the others men who said they were not around. Doh! I hope they found them on their way out.
The count is still three, just one is now trying to get away from the bigger two! 30 feet when I left.
After I took several shots :-) I reported them to one of the staff at Vane Farm who set up his scope at at good distance and told the organiser of a visiting school party. The school children seemed happy getting to see baby Owls. The birds looked inquisitive too!
John :-)
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Fantastic stuff John..
Thanks for the photos They realy are something else mate. They look real healthy so there must be plenty feedin around for them .
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Once gain John brilliant shots and perseverance. I think we will have to call you Owl Man you have such an ability to track them down and take such wonderful photos. Oh I must go somewhere to try and see one in the flesh myself - some day
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Wonderful set again John! So good to know that they are all doing well and to see them progress with their plumage too! Lovely wheatears as well!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Hi John
What a wonderful set of photos. Thanks for sharing them with ordinary folk like me who don't get to see owls never mind owlets. I've never seen a wheatear either!
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Fabulous series of photographs once again John. Lovely to see the chicks are thriving. Also. very pleased to see the wheatears. Thank you
Another exceptional set of photos. They are wonderful, I can't believe how you managed it. Salute your perserverance! I love the wheater photos as well as I have never seen one. It's lovely for you to be able to track the owlets progress. What a find :-)
Thanks all for kind words, Its been three days since my last visit and I won't get there tonight again. I hope to get there Saturday so fingers crossed that they are still around. Life just gets in the way :-))) sometimes!