I know thereis a group which encompasses Other Sites under Loch Garten Ospreys but it is a bit of a nightmare trying to find related sites, so I have posted latest info here.
Saturday April 24th 2010 Mrs laid her 3rd egg at 11.15 this morning. But for the first time No-ring was not in evidence and left Mrs. to go through the pangs on her own. Again a lucky set of visitors was there to witness the event and exhort her to breathe deeply at the appropriate moments. She rewarded us by standing up and revealing three creamy splodges nestled in the moss. (the picture is still very fuzzy!) No-ring returned briefly soon after this and offered her a minuscule piece of stick which she chewed and threw to one side without showing him the new arrival. Whereupon he again flew off and was away for over 3 hours. There was a good reason for this desertion as he came back again mid-afternoon with the biggest fish he has caught this season. Like a silver scarf pulled out of a magician’s hat it seemed endless as Mrs grabbed hold of it and dragged it away from his feet – and that was minus its head! It was certainly a well-deserved reward for producing a full clutch of three for the fourth year running, making a grand total of 12 eggs.(Added together with SX's 10 eggs in her 6 years it equals 22 eggs produced on Bassenthwaite with No-ring as the father.)
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain