Today we decided to go to Pegsdon Hills Nature Reserve, just for an hour or so to waste some time, and to see what birds we could see!
We got up to the top of the hill, and we saw Skylarks, and Meadow Pipits first. Then continued to walk around the hills, and we saw Ring Ouzels, Great Spotted Woodpeckers, and a few Lapwings (Away from water, is that right?!) First time we'd ever seen Ring Ouzels!
Then we decided we better leave to continue with our day, and started walking back down the hill, on the way down we saw Chaffinches, Blackbirds and a few Carrion Crows.
We got back to the car park and a couple of people in a car asked us for directions, in which Daniel tried to help as I continued to the car...Then saw my back window appeared to be down, but as I got closer, saw that someone had smashed it and broken in to my car and taken my bag, along with all my money, and my new Ipod Touch. :-(
What a bad end, to a great day!
Becca & Daniel.
That realy sucks!!!
Im so sorry to hear that.
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Oh Becca,
So sorry to hear that happened to you,after such a nice start to your day.Even out In the countryside It seems nothing Is safe.
hi Becca
These breakins in Reserve/Country carparks are getting more common now.
All i can say is that i am so sorry that some "****** "of a so and so have invaded your privacy. and steal your precious equipment. Grrrrr from me *****'s
i heard a story of a couple who parked to have a cup of coffee in the front area of their car. They left the back boot open, and some delinquant stole all their prized optics. Simple as that from under their noses.
You need to be so careful now and make sure that you are well insured, and that you do not leave anything that people will want to steal from your car.
I feel these days you need eyes at the back of your head to protect your possessions.
What is the world coming to I will never understand in a million years. hope that you get a replacement back
Just a clever tactic is to make sure that your have all serial numbers of your possessions, and even get the invisible ink so you can add your postcode under ultra violet light. Just another thought to protect your own.
Kathy and Dave
So sorry to hear that Becca. I have noticed that some of the sites now warn you to remove anything that would be visible in your car, as the thieves know that birders will be away for quite some time.
Thank you for all your kind words.
We have a feeling that they may have been in the car park when we got there and just watching us, and waiting for the right moment.
Never mind, I'm claiming everthing on the house insurance, which is lucky!
And my window will be replaced tomorrow morning, just my luck that my window breaks and it rains today!
It's just annoying I can't leave my car anywhere at the moment :-(
Never know, my luck might be about to change!
Sorry to hear your bad news Becca, Not much I can add really except that I believe they will get there's some day. :-(
I'm with Juno, what goes around comes around!
Really sorry to hear about what happened Becca, can imagine how much it ruined such a great day :o(
Unfortunately it is becoming more and more common so I believe.
Nothing is safe any more!