Thought I'd do an update on the goosander and dippers that are on the river...first the dippers...
Unfortunately I haven't seen or heard the dippers since the river went through another flood a couple of weeks ago. They disappeared for a short while after the initial flood but were back a couple of days later, but now it has been about two weeks and still no dippers to be seen :-( Whether the flood has forced them to go elsewhere I don't know, the river was pretty cloudy for a good few days and it is only really recently it has started becoming really clear again.
The goosander also did a disappearing act but there is one male and at least one female still on the river, usually I see one or the other but sometimes they are together. If there is a nest anywhere though it is anyones guess as to where it could be as there looks to be plenty of choice for them!
While some birds have been reported missing over the last few weeks, there are a few newcomers. A pair of oystercatcher were chilling out on the shingle at a slight bend in the river and further downstream a pair of common sandpiper are making themselves at home!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies